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Hits since 11/30/1999




.Welcome to JARED SMART'S OFFICIAL WEB PAGE! This page is designed for Smart fans (or anti-fans) as a soapbox for both yours and my opinions. Feel free to comment on this page or anything else you care to get off your chest; I guarantee I'll read all of the mail I receive.

You can use this site to journey through the slums and mansions of my life, learn a lot of useless Smart info (why not, it's my page darn it), travel through my personal photo album and learn about some of my best times (did I forget any, you Smart marks?). Join me as I rest on my laurels and brag about my daily conquests, and even get updated opinions on the general state of the world through my eyes. Enjoy!

So sit back in your padded chairs, grab your potato chips, chocolates, licorice, donuts and diet pepsi, adjust your coke bottle lenses and let's mark out together!

SMART Jem - Hollywood and the late great Anstud first became good friends back on July 4th of 2000 where they spent the entire day riding rollercoasters at Cedar Point.

QUOTE: "A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is braver five minutes longer."


