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~*Plurry World*~


Hey, welcome to Candy's happy place in cyberspace! I dedicate this page to PLUR!!!! (peace, love, unity, respect)PLUR is one of the most important qualities of the rave. PLUR is the key to preserving and ensuring a good vibe. Spread the good vibe throughout all that you do. Bring PLUR out of the rave as well, take it with you in your heart to school and work. With PLUR nothing else matters. I have PLUR for myself and for you. That's all anybody needs. The four simple ways to solve the problems of the world. Peace. Love. Unity. Respect. So to all you incredible and happy people who respect PLUR, this is for you guys..hehe...sounds corny but it's true...

~*MaSsIvE HuGgLeS*~

If Only The World Was Plur??

How to Spot a Raver???


~*Raverz Manifesto*~


LiTtLe CaRtOoN RaVeRs...

My Pic... :0)

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