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Fun With Bandwidth


Hello Starshine!

You ever get bored @ work?

You ever sit down to do research for a big paper and just cannot get motivated?

Well, This is the site for you!

There are some cracked out people in this world (I am one of them, thank you very much!), and the internet has given them the oppurtunity to tell the entire planet the scary details of their private la-la land.

This is where I come in...

I've collected heaven-knows-how-many web sites that will make you laugh out loud (whether it be from the site's sheer hilarity or blatant stupidity, I don't know). I've also collected numerous sites related to the Catholic Faith (A GREAT use of bandwidth, giving props to God!). Browse around, and tell me what you think @ Thx and God Bless

10-08-02: HELLO! I am working on the site rather than homework b/c I just don't want to work on a paper. Anywho, check out the new additions :) -- "The Prayer to St. Michael" and "The Prayer to Obtain the Graces Necessary for Salvation" (links at right). Since the pictures in both the these files are copyrighted (by ME!) you cannot right click to save them. SHOULD you like a copy, let me know via the guestbook (link at left) and I will e-mail you the file for your own personal use :) P.S. I am still getting the hang of graphic design, so the pictures aren't looking as good as they could be.

10-04-02: New Stuffs - I'm starting to get the hang of this Java an Perl stuff, so that's nice. I now have "Dr. Phil's Words of Wisdom", "The Love Compatability Test", and some other neat stuff that can be passed along...check out the Pass Alongs section to find out more! :D

09-23-02: New Section - DOWNLOADS!!! Good Sites to go and find Catholic and other fun Freeware on. Also, I am NOT a fan of vulgar humor, so I've made sure these sites are clean, if I have missed something, let me know via the above e-mail address.

Click Cookie for Wonderful Pearls of Wisdom...

Catholic Sites

Prayer for the Graces Needed to Obtain Salvation: Gorgeous prayer by Saint Alphonsus -- PRINTABLE!!!!!

Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel: Traditional Catholic prayer to St. Michael-- PRINTABLE!!!!!

Our Lady of Guadalupe -
Great site dedicated to the Patroness of the Americas and of the unborn. REMEMBER: October is Pro Life Awareness Month!!! :)

Silly Sites

The Site that Turns you into a Burrito -
mmm...burrito :)

The Dialect Translator -
Translates your words into Val Speak, Pig Latin, Jive, or Sveedish Chef, Bork, bork bork!

Find out who got in the most hits -- BRING IT ON :) !!!!

Celebrate Life!

Project Rachael Locations in Michigan -
These are some places you can go if you've been wounded by abortion.

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get this gear!

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