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++ technicolor soul (a prince harry fanfiction site)   

I used to dream about everything in colour____

You're probably wondering what this site is about. Well, it's a Prince Harry fanfiction nook in which you will find various fan fics of all different types by yours truly. So enjoy. Cos' that's the important thing. Oh -- and the title, 'technicolour spirit', was chosen because I think Harry has so many different sides to him, so he's kind of 'technicolour'.

Now it seems it's only black and white____

11/24/02 :: New ficlet. A one shot called "Good Morning". Quasi-surprise ending. ~Danni

11/23/02 :: Wow, I've been a pretty sucky webmistress for not updating in over a month. Anyway, good news, I added Chapter II of "Happily Ever After". And I'm planning a new many-parted, rather dark story about Harry realising he's gay, gets high thus does some stupid things in public, the royal family thinking he's a disgrace because of it, and then he runs away. And falls in with totally the wrong crowd. Woo! Rebellious punkass Harry all the way! Oh, and also-- I fixed the link for Will and Harry Unlimited. ~Danni

10/19/02 :: I've accomplished quite a bit! Be proud. Be very proud. :P I added Chapter I of "Happily Ever After", joined some cliques, put up a new 'title' picture (yum yum! :9), and... added a guestbook! So sign it! Now! ;) ~Danni

10/06/02 :: UPDATE: New ficlet called "Missing Mummy". It's pretty sappy, blegh. XP
Added 3 new links. For the person who e-mailed me about the section heading phrases, they're borrowed from the song "Crowdsurfing" by Dunk (it kinda reminds me of Harry... and it's the site's theme song! Hoorah!). The lyrics can be found here. Oh yes--chapter I of "Happily Ever After" will be up later today. ~Danni

Dreaming in technicolour____

  • "Rainy Day" - A humourous fic about Harry having 'one of those days'... (PG)

  • "Happily Ever After" - What happens when your world is flipped upside down, and suddenly you're caught in a neverending nightmare? A story of love, hate, and accepting the things that scare you the most. (R)
    Prologue | Chapter I | Chapter II

  • "Missing Mummy" - Harry remembers... (PG)

  • "Good Morning" - The morning after. A one shot. (AA)

Far and Away____

~ Harry Club Reborn - a Prince Harry club
~ Prince Harry Wales - another Prince Harry club
~ Prince Harry's No. 1 Fans - yet ANOTHER Prince Harry club!
~ Prince Harry of - an international fansite
~ Wisps of Royalty - a William and Harry fanfiction site (my author name is 'Danni' ;])
~ Will and Harry Unlimited - one of the best Harry and William sites on the net
~ The Prince Chronicles - a William and Harry fanfiction site
~ Leave Harry Alone! - a site defending Harry from all the craziness surrounding his drugs and alcohol usage. (Please note the support banner I'm displaying at the bottom of the page.)
~ Official Prince Harry Bio - methinks the title is pretty self-explanatory. :)
~ Anvil's Fan Fiction - A couple of Prince Harry fics.
~ Especially Prince Harry - A really good PH site with lot's of content.
~ Prince Harry: The Prankster Prince - An okay site with a nice layout. Some info and pics.

[if you have a prince harry link - please e-mail me and i'll add it!]

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This page is (c) Danielle L., and was started September 21, 2002. DO NOT borrow or take anything without my permission! Finally, Prince Harry and the royal family, etc do not belong to me, and i don't know Harry personally, so there you have it. :P
