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this is lizzie's best friend, shae

click here to see the real shae

shae is my bff she is this cool aspiring actress. one day we'll all be watching her on the big screen!

me and shae are ALWAYS at each others houses. sometimes, if you think you are talking to one of us, you may be talking to both of us! lol.

she is the drama ice queen but we love her!

some stuff that you probably won't understand: this is my....decorator? i've never sheen shuch shings...if you hook up with my friend ill hook up with ur friend?! NO YOU DO NOT SOUND LIKE YODA! can i take your picture bc ur hot? BBGDADWD why BILLABONG? why not! spazalicious skaterifc blonde sufer dudes! whoa... this is too intense.

me and shae have stuck together through the good and bad and have had a great time this year, and i wish her all the best and good luck at montclair high!!!!!!! xoxo >