SEQUEL DVD'S Director's Notes

by: Michael Simpson

Over the last two years since James Hendsbee, the British Columbia webmaster (Sleepaway Camp Lives), first contacted me and asked for an interview about SC2&3, I have greatly enjoyed corresponding with the fans of those movies.

One of the people who has been instrumental in helping to create and maintain the great Sleepaway fan base is Jeff Hayes who has consistently provided me with excellent feedback from all the campers who visit his site about what bonus extras they wanted on the dvds. He was key to the success of the dvds and I want to thank him for all his efforts.

I worked closely with Anchor Bay and Crest National on the authoring of the SC2&3 dvds and the two companies did excellent work. To bring the movies into the digital age in first-rate condition, the dvds were created from new, low contrast prints struck from the original negatives that had been stored in pristine condition at CineFilm Lab in Atlanta. This process allowed for the best possible look for the movies.

Numerous bonus features that fans have clamored for are also on the dvds. I believe the behind-the-scenes footage will be of particular interest. It gives a real feel for what it was like on the set during the production of the movies. It shows rehearsals for several key scenes including the infamous Mac Truck sequence shot in downtown Atlanta for the opening of SC3.

I'm delighted to know that a new generation of fans will now be able to enjoy these camp classics in all their rigor mortis glory. The talented cast and crew had great fun making these movies and it's my hope that the fans will have as much enjoyment watching Angela's Sleepaway exploits.

Michael A. Simpson
August 2002