The Journal II

2 June 2003 Top Ten Things I Learned in High School by Amanda Popovitch, editted by me

10. A Starbucks Caramel Frapp can be used in place of a meal, or better yet be an additional meal
9. There is always time for sleep, even if you have to make it
8. Working can be fun if you have the right job and you recruit your friends to work there with you
7. Parking is horrible but you should just deal with it because one day you might be old and have nothing better to do at 7 o'clock in the morning and stare out your window and incriminate innocent high school kids
6. When a car from 1989 goes up against a minivan, things don't turn out well
5. Mock Trial is still the best highschool sport ever and the one and only you would ever get a varsity letter for (if we had them)
4. AP English is not worth your one and only nervous break down in life and that you should get used to it because college term papers will only make things worse
3. Going to Canada is better than going on Kairos because you meet some funny kids and bond with some old favorites
2. Playing Snood will sober you up so you can drink more
1. True friends love you no matter what, even when: you are complaining at 7:30 in the morning, they have to get up 5 minutes earlier to drive you to school, you can't sing and you're trying to, you are the laziest person in the world, they have lend you money for Starbucks and especially when you need them most

17 May 2003 Top Ten Reasons Why I Love Theresa Lee

10. Her hair...I love the color
9. Her's friggin' contagious
8. Her lack of shame...she has no issues with yelling out racial slurs in the middle of a resturant
7. Her collection...ABSOLUT ads
6. Her love of pickles...more of an obsession, so what if I have to fight her for them
5. Her voices...she does awesome voices
4. She was a Kairos leader...if I couldnt be one, might as well live vicariously through her
3. Her friends...they's equally as awesome
2. She's FRIGGIN' AWESOME...enough said
1. You can say her name as one...TheresaLee

6 May 2003 Top Ten Best Places Sean Hurley and I Did "The Nasty"

10. On the AIM...this kid's quite imaginative
9. On the phone...o he has a sexy voice
8. 6th Period Algebra I Frosh year...the moment I laid eyes on him I wanted on
7. After the AP English exam...we were just so stressed we needed was definitely up there
6. 1st Period Geometry Soph year...J always sat us near each other
5. In Italy...everywhere we went: Venice, Rome, Pisa, Florence, Montatachini...EVERYWHERE
4. On the flight to Italy...we initiated each other into the mile high club
3. Middle of the cafeteria...everybody in 5th lunch got some show today
2. In the Tercel...the tight squeeze made it so much better
1. Bea Murday's house...and yes she got in on it

5 May 2003 Top Eight Reasons Why I Hate 4th Quater Senior Year

8. what the crap?
7. Exams...yet again, what the crap?
6. College acceptances...nothing like waiting til the last minute and not only stressing yourself out, but like your best friends too
5. Stress...there's waaaay more than there should be
4., table, dress, date, what to do after, need I say more?
3. Gina and Kristin not wanting to go to the Senior ew, since when did you guys stop being dorks?
2. It's quote my Grosse Enfante Erin, "I HATE SPRING..... especially when all you do is hang out with people that are dating.... when you see them together it does something to me that I can't explain, you see them look at each other and you want that for yourself, and you want to have someone that looks at you the way they look at each other, and then you get all depressed and you go home and eat alot..."
1. AP's the system's evil plot to make you eat lots og food so you get fat, throw up while your driving, get up in the middle of the exam, laugh in DC's face, cut yourself and walk out

1 May 2003 Top 10 Reasons Why I Hate Nick Valente 9:59pm

10. His flower...Nick it sucks
9. He shakes...I don't care if you can't control it, you're a freak because of it
8. His journel killed the art of the online journel - you fucking slaughtered it
7. He complains...incessantly, enough said
6. He thinks he owns St. Rose because he's 2nd in command on stage crew...that's right 2nd is 1st loser
5. He's a homophobe...and he makes sure everyone knows he hates people with AIDS
4. He bothers me constantly about updating this my journel...quit you're bitching
3. He thinks he can get with your dreams, Gina's a high class whore
2. He continutes to update his journel...even though he has a painfulyl, boring life
1. "I don't care if you die your hair you'll always be a little red-haired bitch"...can we say RED HEADED step child?

17 April 2003 9:02 pm When I'm 64...

So, here a random update for ya. First person to realize that I have updated gets a prize, maybe that elusive medal I've been speaking of for the past four years. Who knows? Anyways, moving on...the stress of late has seemed to virtually cease or maybe I stopped caring. Lit Mag is still unpublished but close to being done. Went to breakfast today with Kristin, Phil, and Foley. It was fun, very reminiscent of yesteryear. I am embarking on a journey in 6 hours. My mom, my sister, my grandma, my cousin, my step dad and I will be driving to Florida, hopping on a boat and cruising ot the Bahamas. Whilst in the Bahamas I will celebrate my 18th year of life. No longer shall I be plagued with the horrid GDL, but it will be replaced the burden of legal adulthood. I'm not ready for that. I still giggle at the word autococker, how can I be sentenced by adult law?

Got the hair cut today. It's been deemed cute. Gina said she's obsessed with it and wants to stalk my hair. Uh, thanks, Gina.

Finally, I've decided upon the quote that best explains my high school experience. A beloved line, from a beloved song, of a beloved band: "For what it's worth it was worth all the while. It's something unpredictable but in the end it's right."

I'll see you guys when I return a older Siobhan...

5 April 2003 12:10 pm Yes, I'm still alive

To answer your question, no, I did not fall off the face of the earth. I've been too gosh darn busy to sit in front of this box and update you on my life. There have been many a changes since we last met via journel, some of you know, some of you don't. Let's keep it that way...or not...we'll recap.

Well, Gina has been 18 for two weeks now and life has gone on as normal, the Apocolypse did not occur as we all thought. I found myself in Canada Sean and Gina-less, but with NightFire (Kairos rip), the CDT (moderated by none other than Mr. Ryan "Stimey" Kileen and Mr. Brian "Petey" A. Graebe [of the infamous Brian A. Graebe: The College Years...moral of story: isolate yourself from all human contact in college]), and of course Les Grosses Enfants (translation The Fat Kids). I guess this is my way of living out that life long dreams of mine to be a 'cool kid' and running around hotels with underware on my head.

There has been an uprise in people using my quotable quotes as away messages. Current total: 1. I speak the truth, if people find it funny or even better- true than rock on. I just said rock on...haha that's funny...guess I've been associating with Nick for too long. That was another thing that was brought to my attention...for Nick and I not really being friends we give each other a lot of attention on our online journels than we do in real life. Yeah he's in my art class, yeah I make fun of his flower...that's about it. So, from now on I think there will be a little less Nick and a little more people whom I have more than 41 minutes of contact with a day. Love ya, Nick but you're just so last year.

People are entering and exiting my life at a rapid, rapid pace. I'm making new friends left and right which makes me ecstatic because I have this odd obsession with getting to know people. On the other hand, the put it dropping like flies, which of course is killing me. Many a mental picture (4 little boys bowing to their father, Amah caressing her Ayah's face, and Granny eatting jellyfish) and soundtrack (Buddhist chants, gongs, Tears in Heavan, I'm a Believer) playing in my head happened this week. I'd have to say my new favorite person is my uncle Michael...well Dave's brother Michael: a 30 year old webpage designer free bird who got bored one day after art school graduation and joined the AirForce and now lives in Cali but is moving to Texas and sleeps on crates and lives in the online world. I can't wait to figure him out...he should be interesting.

What else? Brian has been erradicated from our vocabulary (contrary to Ashley's belief but she is more than welcome to pull him out of her ass for sneaking around purposes...haha love ya LaBau). I haven't worked in over 2 weeks and I have to go back tomorrow and it's going to kill me because I have become adapted to this leisurely lifestyle of no school or work quite well. Kristin dragged me to the mall last night for her to pick out a prom dress, which she did and put on hold, while I went out on a limb and bought mine. It's a light blue for all you boys knocking down my door to take me...I mean c'mon you have to live up to Matt Laskodi...not too hard. Post dress shopping, Dave arrived at Kristin's place of residence and we attempted to watch Broken Hearts Club, but instead settled on Swingers. I fell asleep, due to current lack of REM cycles. I do believe you are currently caught up on my life.

Now for the bad news, with the cruise, graduation, and of course that constant barage of work from DC (speaking of 95 on the TP whoo-hoo!), I don't know how often I will update. It's kind of a growth thing I guess...or boredom again cuz like everybody's got one now and it's no fun anymore. I don't know, I might take Sean's advice once in a while and update on a whim. Check ya laterz...