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Welcome to my new home on the net

A Casa de Jo黍


Text Box: As you can probably tell from the color scheme of my page I am addicted to Am四ie!  It has to be on of the absolute best movies of all time and it takes it color scheme from a  Brazilian painter.  Woo hoo!  Viva Brasil!   Click on the Am四ieユs room for fun Am四ie wallpaper and on Am四ie for the films homepage.





All you never really wanted to know about me : - P

Text Box: I go to		  

But I used to go to
Text Box: Me looking cool thanks to Robin!! :)

Click on me for Manic Panic
Text Box: Anyone who knows me knows I love my familyノ.even if we are a little crazy!!

Text Box: Music is life!!!

Click for a list of my CDユs (that seriously needs to be updated)
Text Box: Sometimes  I think I would die without Shannon.  She is the best friend I could ever ask for!!
Text Box: Click on the pic for my livejournal.  It is an addictionノthanks Mande, just what I need a habit to support.
Text Box: Write Me!