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Neopian Animal Shelter

Hey, and welcome to Neopian Animal Shelter (NAS). I an jaws_the_shark, and i am the owner! After we get 10 members, we may make this a private guild, but for now, ANYONE can join! (even

Right now, we are raffeling off a faerie (to be chosen randomly) Tickets are available for 50 nps, which will go to the guild account. The money will be spent on the next prize. Neomail me for details on a ticket. You can buy up to 14 each contest. This contest will be starting on Apr. 6, and ends on Apr. 20. So start buying today! ADOPTIONS Here's how adoptions work: Every month we adopt a pet from the pound. We take care of it, sometimes paint it or give it a petpet. Then, after a month, we send it back to the pound and keep up with its new owner. This months pet is:

see below. If you are a member and want a link here, neomail me! (Please, no inaproprate content) You can email jaws_the_shark at:

F UN STUFF (thanks to Bravent!


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