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Tuesday, 31 January 2006
We're Back
It's been a while but the Midnight Mutants Radio Show is back. Things have changed quite a bit but the original edited show is set to debut on WEBR Fairfax Saturday/Sunday at Midnight. Thanks for the continued support and check back often for more blogs. Later.


Posted by retro/mutants at 10:48 AM EST
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Monday, 11 October 2004
perhaps...the last blog entry
Hi everyone, this may be the last blog entry on this site. Blog what a funny word to say...say it aloud with me.BLOG. It's just as fun to write it as well. Anyway, the last show was bittersweet for me because I enjoy doing the show week after week, we've been doing the show for 21 months and it was just kind of sad to me. I dreamed up the show while still living in Washington D.C. & came down here and made it happen. Everyone involved with the show has been great & I Thank them all from the bottom of my too small heart. It was a hell of a ride and now it's time to move on to yet another thrill. It's weird because we've actually had the web-page up longer than we've had the show. I have to be 100% honest that I'm a little disappointed because I wanted the web-page to take off a little better than it actually did, at first it did really well but after a while we quit putting new things up, oh, well right. I'll hopefully have my own web-site running so, nothing is on as of yet. Again thanks for your support through these times and I'm glad to have been able to bring entertainment to thousands each week. BYE BYE. AC

Posted by retro/mutants at 10:39 AM EDT
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Friday, 1 October 2004

Hey Guys, I have some good news, I was in the talent show last night in Wise and came in 2nd place. I sang our very own 'the most romantic song ever written' it was pretty fun. PST was there supporting me also whihc was nice. I also just received a call from WAMU 88.5 American University in Washington D.C. Nothing is secured yet but hopeffully within the next 24hours I'll be 100% sure of where it is I'm going exactly. Anyway talk to you later. Oh yea, VOTE BUSH NOV.2ND 2004.LATER AC

Posted by retro/mutants at 10:31 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 29 September 2004

Hi everyone, It's getting harder and harder to continue to write new things. Nothing is happening yet with the stations and I am beginning to get a little worried. I'm sure things will work themselves out though. I've been working on some songs which are looking like they will be funny. The last album Perhaps...Indeed. was met with good and bad response, however , I've come to the conclusion that although not every song is funny & I struggle vocally with certain songs that the concept and 80% of the songs convey what I wanted them to convey. It's a dark comedy album about obsession and the fact-of-the-matter is that if you don't find the songs darkly funny, then you must not know what funny is Period.

Posted by retro/mutants at 10:50 AM EDT
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Thursday, 23 September 2004
Open Up My Eyes
Hey, just checking in for a bit. It's been a few days and I've been very busy. I had to travel to Roanoke Monday & met up with Talitha, that was fun. I missed everyone however. Awww how sweet, Yes I know. Anyway, I have to travel back to Roanoke again Monday, I may even go tonight after work because I have a car load of things I need to take up there. I still am not 100% sure what's going to happen as far as our show goes, negotiations are still going on.I hope something is known soon because being in limbo is not a fun place to be. Well I'm think I'll go eat some pizza, later. AC

Posted by retro/mutants at 12:28 PM EDT
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Saturday, 18 September 2004
PST - a groupie for life
Mood:  on fire
technically i'm not a mutant and i rarely ever contribute anything to the radio show. i usually just sit there gulping water thanks to VOG, or whoever sits near the water cooler. i just thought that i would take this time to thank all of the midnight mutants for all of the laughs they have given me. i would also like to thank all of the prisoners for their sweet, and sometimes disturbing letters in which i was mentioned. i've had a great time coming to the show, and i'm very sad that it's ending soon. hopefully all of the mutants will move on to bigger and greener pastures.

much love,

Posted by retro/mutants at 3:07 AM EDT
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It's good to know that you can joke around and make people feel very uncomfortable. Trust me it's kind of fun to make others feel uneasy. It makes me smile that big "Billy Denham Grin", and puts the bread in my belly. All in all not not much has happened today. A few of us at the theatre kissed some girls with whipped cream, it was fun. I'm getting to watch SpongeBob Square Pants, I'm a virgin to it but not for long. Have fun,Goodnight.

Posted by retro/mutants at 12:01 AM EDT
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Friday, 17 September 2004

Hi everyone,what's up? Not much going on at the moment, just relaxing.A lot of the mutants went bowling today and we had alot of fun. Billy Denham was a no show however, that low-life sack of used scum. Oh well, better luck to us next time. I just want everyone to know that if you bowl with the Scorpion, he will become a mean mother f-ing, pissed off son-of-a-biotch if he doesn't bowl well, and to be quite honest with you I was scared to death by his behavior.

Posted by retro/mutants at 12:58 AM EDT
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Thursday, 16 September 2004
thus spake vog
Mood:  spacey
You brought the fucking Pomeranian bowling?
I haven't brought it bowling...I didn't rent it shoes, I'm not buying it a fucking beer, it's not taking a fucking turn...

What're you saying? When you divorce you turn in your library card, you get a new license, you stop being Jewish!

No dude, you're not wrong, you're just an asshole.

What did you do to my wife?
Well, on a scale of one to ten... ten being the most depraved act of sexual theatre know to man... one being your average Friday night run-through at the Lomaxes' household... I'd say, not to be immodest, Mary Ann and I got it on at about... seven.

What about love?
Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate.

Yeah, well I still jerk off manually.

Posted by retro/mutants at 10:10 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 15 September 2004

There's not a lot going on at the moment, just sitting here typing another blog entry. I have to post that the last show as of now of the Midnight Mutants Radio program will be Saturday October 9, 2004. I am moving to Washington D.C & am going to continue the show in the vein we sliced open here on 88.7 wmmt. The new show will not feature the original cast however,and will carry a different title. My friends have been great to work with and have caused my side to split open more than once, but I am moving and their interest seems to be dissolving due to college and the many other things that occupies their time. I am in final negotiations with a two well respected stations in the D.C area. We'll see how things turn out. I hope they turn out the best and fast because, I'm going crazy being here. I went to see Napoleon Dynamite last night and it was very funny. It was odd and original,just like our show. Anyway, I'll chat again soon, until then, I feel sorry for you.

Posted by retro/mutants at 2:33 PM EDT
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