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Welcome to Clan Pvp. This site was made to promote the diablo 2 expansion in there quest to go known on diablo 2. There tags are Pvp_Name Pvp_Etc. The Clan channel is Clan Pvp_ and it is restricted to members only. I will know if your a member. We are a dueling clan and nothing else.


Clan Pvp is allies with Clan EX. They are located at Clan E[X]iled. Well they were but they mostly hang out in channel der. Clan EX is a hardcore clan. They are a force to be recon with. Yes they can own you maybe. Well they are our supperior allies and we will run to there aid as we hope they would run to ours when we need it. We will and wont think twice about starting clan wars. We are a dueling team and thats what we love to do. We are not newbs. So dont try and be dumb. Thankyou

We are insearcher for starcraft cd-keys that u are not useing. If u have one and u would like to donate it please send it to me at my email. This site was created on 12/07/02 and was finished some other date after that. Get the picture The moderator is to tell u that we have complete controll of our channel so dont try and spam it as we will and can stop you. This is mine and my co-workers first actuall site and im quite pleased with the results we got in it. If u have any coments about this site plz feal free to send me and email about what you think should be changed. moderator


©Copywrite Clan Pvp 2002-2003