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~things that i like and other stuff that im gonna blabber on about~

My name is Emily, im 17, i live in sticksville, and that sucks,alot..i dont do much in my spare time, just, do computer stuff and listen to music, do stuff with friends. sounds very fun doesnt it

feb.1 2004 well I havent updated this in nearly a year.
Really if I was creative or ambitious in
anyways I'd probably update it more and maybe
even do something usefull with it. but I havent
and I probably wont. oh well. If you want to keep
up with anything go to with me go to :
my LiveJournal
yeah thats my livejournal account. I really
need to cough and eat some food. thought youd
like to know.

feb. 12, we're going to brookvale tomorow with the
grade class to go snowboarding, i might not live
through the slightly nervous, ill tell
you how it goes when im out of the hospital..

feb 13 well school was cancelled today,
woopteedoo (wow thats spelled oddly) so i
basically spent the day going between the
computer and the tv, i did get around to putting
my university things together for the
applications, their still not done..deadlines
approaching..going to die..

Karl Urban: you like them tall, dark, sexy and fun.

Which guy are you destined to have sex with?
brought to you by Quizilla

feb 14, "valentines day" valentines day my
ass, first of all a day where if you go outside
and you will freeze to death within 30
seconds is not romantic, second, valentines day
shouldnt even exist at all. well now its the
weekend, and its supposed to be shitty out, so
the chances of me getting out of the house are
slim to none..i think im going to go chack wacky.
i wish we'd had school today..

feb. 26 another shit week of school almost
over, only two more days. everybody is
sick but im telling myself i wont get the flu, if i
do ill never forgive my imune system ever!
but thats all i have to say for now, tres exciting i know

mar 8 well went to town today prom dress
shopping, what a load of crap that is, waste of
time as well, i did find one dress i actually
likes and it was fucking 500 bucks..fucking
bastards...well now im sick too. i think my
throat is going to swell so much that i wont be
able to swallow. that'll be fun..although herbal
tea is helping.

march 29Well my exiting life continues per
usual, that is quite boring with not much exciting
happening. Although this weekend was a
pleasant difference, we went to the pool on
thursday, and went to Beckys afterwards, and last
night we went to a party, which wasnt the
funnest party ever. But alas it was better
than sitting home, but then again getting
teeth pulled is better than sitting
home, or sitting in souris doing nothing. but then
again sitting home is better than sitting in

other stuff

the moron page
the picture page
song of the minute

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