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"Long Live The Mac...."


My Diary


Julieanne's Site

Emma's Site

Take the Simpsons quiz!

Zelda Site

Daily Cartoon

Sponsor A Child


Guest Book!

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I am feeling... The current mood of at

R.I.P.Craig DeSantis...
You are missed by many.

Welcome to my Site, earthlings .
Anyone heard of Weebl?? He's so funny!! Click here to meet Weebl!
Below is a list of the links to your left, and what they're for. Soon I'm going to add a list of all the MP3's on my computer, so that you can request one and i'll post it for download. Oh, and there's a new diary. The old one suffered a long and painful death. Anyways, in the meantime--live, love, laugh and be happy!
All Windows users please click here for a lovely surprise
If you use windows and you've just rebooted your computer, welcome back!
If you have any suggestions on improvements, whatever, or if you want me to link your site, please let me know. (I am only going to link sites of people I know) but in the meantime, HAVE FUN, AND GO WILD!!
(Sign my guest book...pretty please??)

Diary - 27/4/03: I've moved to LiveJournal. Much better!
Poetry - My Poetry page. Updated 25/9/02. Send old, new, even exerpts from other pieces of poetry. Email me okay?
Julz's site - It's a very crazy site...hehe...Julz taught me HTML!! her site RoXz0rz =D
Emma's site - It's all about dragons and poetry, great graphics and such, but i think it mighta been taken down...=(
The Simpsons quiz - Ok folks this one is new!! 70 trivia questions, i could only do half of them. Have a shot!!
Zelda Site - It's a really good site all about the Legend of Zelda series...includes walkthroughs, music, downloads, rumours and more.
Kick Osama - Hmm...what can I say? It has some funny video clips, and such...but everyone's kinda over it now. =S
Sponsor a Child - This is not an ad. I started sponsoring Milia just a few days ago, more info inside the link.
Daily Cartoon - It's exactly what it sounds like. It changes every day and it's pretty funny.
I recommend you keep checking it.
Fotoz - updated 5/9/2002. Has a few new pics i found.
Guest Book - I've taken this one down, it's not working properly. I'm soon going to get a new one. Give me a few days!! =$
Mini Poll - Rate my site! =P
Tell a friend - Come on! I need more people to know about my site =D

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