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Lusty's OnLiNe TiPs

Welcome to Lusty's Online Chat tips for Internet Relay Chat users. Hi ! I am lustlord .When I started chating online, I was in for the sleazy stuff that chat usually promises and the escape from shyness and stuff. But, as i continued chatting..I discovered a whole new face of chatting where you could find a place where there are people like yourself with similar or worse problems !

Most chatters dont get the respect or the same kind of joy because of IRC (Internet Relay Chat ) being such a tough place for a beginer .So, I kinda created this website where there will be a nice collection of tips from me and chatters like me on how to have a nice chat. They even got a fancy name for this kinda's called Chat Etiquette..but i kinda like to call it "Havin a nice time" ! so, read up these tips..i hope they can help ya become a nice chatter and enjoy the chat as a healthy way to remove your daily worries from the world out there !

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TIPS Follow...

lustlord:Always be cordial with Fellow chatters..remember..there is a person behind the nick and is not without feelings !Have fun..but just dont ever be Racist,Insultin or Plain rude!Being nice will get ya more FRIENDS!the good ones!

lustlord:New Chatters ! If ya wanna sound cool and u don know all the snazzy popups others use,try downloadin readymade clients like from Scoopscript,Funscript,PNP,etc.

lustlord:Gay and Racist jokes may be easy to laff at,but it hurts a lot of people!so..plain old jokes are the best!like fart jokes !

lustlord:New chatters..dont ever get caught in an argument..if u get caught..u end up swearin and gettin kicked..and that aint worth chatters can make ya take careand stay COOL.

^Lolly: don't go in a room begging for ops and try to speak the language of the room you join lustlord:Dont Invite and Dig your own grave by being Racist or Anti-Gay and stuff like that..remember.. at best u can be klined or at worst..u can be Hacked ! so watch your mouth and respect all cultures and traditions!

lustlord:If you are angry wif someone in chat because he or she pisses you off, just puch in /ignore nick or get away from the computer and take a deep breath.. it aint worth losin your cool on chat !

lustlord:Dont try to push your opinions into other chatters and expect them to accept your views.. there are enough rooms and networks for everybody's find a place where ur views are respected instaead of getting into pointless arguments

lustlord:Chatting is supposed to be for fun..not for insulting or degrading people! GIVE RESPECT AND TAKE RESPECT..and dont hurt anyone because AS U SOW, SO SHALL YOU REAP !

lustlord:Ensure that you come to chat with the expectation of being both loved and hated. Different people come come to chat with different moods and mindsets,and a person who was friendly with you yesterday may be a bit grouchy the other day!If so, give them thier space and chat when they are willing !everybody desereves their own little bubble and it aint nice to burst it !

^}Force{^ :Don't flyby channels. If you enter the channel say hello if no one answers then choose another room : )

^}Force{^ :Remember that the IRCops on the Network are your friends; not your enemy so if someone is harrassing you constantly go find and IRCop to take care of the problem!

TammyRene :Do NOT ask asl. It's annoying and the surest way to not be welcomed in the channel. In addition, do not message people uninvited. Chat channels are for chatting! Get to know people in the channel and win them over there.

^paige :Just be yourself out there and be nice to all young or old, great friends are out there you never know who will be yours.

Spirit :Guys, Dont come looking for fights. if you are wanting people to be nice and all to you, just be yourself, but dont go around trying to be all big and tough unless you can actually back up what you say... But.. just have a good time in chat, and make the most of life..

Silkey : if you MUST whisper without LEAST have the courtesy of askin for a gender check.......(grin)

Tarzan : never state your original location(if its asia then NO),they will always kick you for any good couse.

rupertbare : rupertbare advice to lusty Rule 10 "If you wish to nice and make sure you dont tread on the person next to

^}Force{^ :Need help with IRC? Well most networks have #Help as a network help channel. If you need assitance try that channel. : )

^}Force{^ :Do not flood the channels with the same message constantly, you only need to say it once, everyone sees it :)

ChatterIdiot:Be idiot rather than become smart azz

Janessa: Remember even though you might just be married and unhappy and think it's fun to pretend to be single on-line that some of the people on chat actually are lonely and don't want to be lied too because they get that enough in RL. Be honest and be respectful of others!

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