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Mp3 of the Week Media Stuff What I'm Reading Fanfic Stuff Quiz Stuff Fan Stuff Banners, Buttons, Etc. Made By Me


July 14 2003

A new backround and hopefully this week ill have all new fan fic lists up. Im also a Judge at the Rhythem Awards

June 02 2003

new fanlisting below

March 19 2003

New wallpaper and MAKE LOVE NOT WAR

March 08 2003

new backround and it would be great if ya'll would sign my guest book thanks more later this week

March 04 2003

new Wallpaper below and I have added some new fanlisting below

March 03 2003

Ok so I have this PSD posted below its Justin and Christina. I made it so be nice please................. More Wallpaper will be up later tonight. Let me know what you'll think


FEB 24 2003

Ok so I have been bad. But this time Im back for sure. New Wallpape below........ I have taken down some stuff and In the middle of some big changes. New mp3 by the end of the week. New fan listings below. I support it 100%


Jan 08 2003

NEW MP3- JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE- CRY ME A RIVER-LIVE...... I am back and here to stay. i will try and get my 40 new wallpapers up and update my fan fic stuff bc i have been reading some great stuff : ) i hope u like the new backround its a little more peppy

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