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LIFESPAN Age Calculator is a software date calculator program that can add and subtract dates. Lifespan takes a start date and an end date as input and outputs the elapsed time in years, months and days. Lifespan can also determine a start date if you give it the end date and an elapsed time period in years months and days. Effectively subtracting dates from each other and subtracting ages in years months and days from dates to determine a starting date.

Hi, my name's Peter Riddell, I study IT at CQU and I too have been plagued by the scourge that is date subtraction and spreadsheets, ( I thought they would excel at date subtraction). I then resorted to the internet, downloading a few calculators with their accompanying adware, spyware and nagware. After this painful and fruitless journey I went against my better judgement and decided to solve the problem with my newfound c++ skills. "That should lighten my workload", I thought, "I'll make a tool to do it for me in future". Little did I know the hideous world of exceptions I was to encounter with dastardly date calculations.

Lifespan Age Calculator and Date Calculator is the product of my desire not to have to do any more date calculations than can possibly be avoided. Ironically, in the process of making this, I think I've done more date calculations than Liz Taylor's divorce attorney.

  •  Subtract dates, calculate age in years months & days
  •  Subtract age from end date, calculate start date
  •  Free update notification
  •  Quick and light on system resources
  •  Efficient input for repetitive tasks
  •  Small - 35k - 7 second download
  •  Standalone windows program
  •  100% Safe and Secure
  •  99% Idiot Proof (1% of elite idiots may slip thru ;)
  •  Dos / Windows / Linux
  •  Used in genealogy, medical, government, planning, military, education, sporting, finance
  •  Available in foreign language or date format if required
Click on the above link to join my automatic update notification email list. It will generate a blank email with the subject Lifespan Subscription in your email program. Send it to me and I will personally email you when I release updates to Lifespan. It doesn't actually have to be an empty email, you could say nice things if you wish. Lifespan Age Calculator subtracts dates giving the answer in elapsed years months and days. It can also subtract an age from a date to determine a starting date. Perfect for Family Historians and Genealogists.

  DOWNLOAD LIFESPAN (FREE) updated 15th March 2003

Lifespan is completely free to home users but you are still allowed to donate if you wish. Business users are welcome to try Lifespan for a few months and see if it's up to the task. If it is I would be most grateful if you could make a $5 donation to support the ongoing development of Lifespan. If you can't afford to make a donation I can understand that too! Thank You to all the generous people who have kindly donated so far and I hope you like the new Lifespan Age Calculator v3.0.

Zipped Version (~35k) - Portal 1 - Portal 2
Un-Zipped Version (~82k) - Portal 1 - Portal 2 -

  Wanted!! Bugs in Lifespan Age Calculator, Dead or Alive. To qualify for the reward find a pair of dates that Lifespan returns an incorrect answer for, or an end date and age that Lifespan calculates an incorrect start date for. The reward will be a uniquely personalised compiled copy of Lifespan, (after the resultant revision of course). If it turns out not to be a bug, it's ok, I'm not one of these high strung usenet types. I appreciate your effort just to mail me. You will also be acknowledged as one of Lifespan's original debug team on the website if your bug leads to a revision. Submit your bug report here.

Lifespan is a free standing windows program. It is not a file to be opened in another program or an installation program. It does not burn cds, won't make any parts of your body longer and does not wish to send you money from a Kenyan prince. The one file you downloaded is the program. If you've never heard of a zip file just download the unzipped version and you are ready to go. Double click on LIFESPAN.EXE and the program will start to run, follow the prompts and away you go. Check out the animation at the top right of this page to see a detailed step through of Lifespan in action. Copy that file to a floppy or cd and you can take it with you anywhere and run it on any computer without needing to install it. Email it to a friend or colleague but please, at least have them leave a kind word in the message book for me. Have fun!


You are guaranteed complete privacy. Email addresses provided for update notification regarding Lifespan Age Calculator are not exposed to "3rd paty associates" or "partners" I have no 30 page privacy policy littered with escape clauses. Your email address will be kept in the strictest confidence and only used for update notification regarding Lifespan Age Calculator under penalty of castration (harsh boss).


LINUX - Lifespan Age Calculator v3.0 will work under the WINE emulator. WINE is installed as a standard part of most modern Linux distros. To run Lifespan Age Calculator in Linux, right click on the Lifespan executable file and choose to "Run In Terminal". If you have a command line fixation, open a terminal, navigate to the folder in which you've stored the single Lifespan executable file and type:
wine lifespan.exe  

APPLE - Implementation of the Apple version of Lifespan has proven to be a real pain in the b***. I can only recommend the use of X86 emulation products such as Bosch or PCx. Does anyone know if the Unix back end to OSX has it's own version of WINE? Sorry I can't make if happen for you guys but Lifespan doesn't pay the bills at my place, unfortunately.

  As you are probably aware, there is a potential 11 day inaccuracy in some dates due to the change-over from the Julian to the Gregorian calenders. Depending upon which country you are dealing with, the 11 days can disappear anywhere from 1582 to 1928. Incorporating this level of detail into Lifespan would destroy it's simplicity. However I am not throwing you to the wolves on this point. This link provides an excellent explanation of this problem and a detailed listing of when many countries made the transition. This transition period is open to conjecture in some countries so some research will be in order. If the Lifespan you are looking at covers the date range relevent to the country you are considering subtract 11 days from the answer Lifespan Age Calculator gives you.
  Lifespan Age Calculator subtracts dates giving the answer in years months and days. The majority of my visitors come directly from search engines like MSN , Google , Yahoo and directories like Zeal and DMOZ. My personal free stuff page has some very useful tools that I highly recommend.
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  I have a public facing free statistics page that you are more than welcome to check out if this sort of thing floats your boat. Just click on the link to check out the current stats for the Lifespan website.

I hope you and your friends find Lifespan Age Calculator useful.

kind regards
Peter Riddell

  Lifespan Calculator was made for the benefit of the wider net community.If there is a problem, feel free to report it to me and I will fix it. Bug reports are like gold and I greatly appreciate feedback. Bug reports leading to code revisions will be acknowledged in the download area. My contact details are shown at the end of each program run. Although this software has passed extensive testing and is under constant revision, I do not offer any guarantee or warranty.
© 2003 Lifespan Age Calculator by Peter Riddell