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Text Box: The following links listed in Resources will lead you through the process of using the Internet as a research tool.  You will be working on your own and gathering your own data. 
Visit the sites below and read through the different ways to research the Internet and a Database.  Follow all links within the pages and do the exercises. 
Visit the specific site: 
to answer the questions on Worksheet #1 (Internet Searching). 
Visit the library home page: 
Choose Middle School, then Library Media Center, then Online Databases, then InfoTrac Online. Use this database to answer the questions on Worksheet #2 (Info Trac Worksheet).  
When both worksheets are completed compare results of Internet searching vs. Database searching.  Work in groups of four to compare your data and come up with a uniform way to present your results.  
You will then create a PowerPoint presentation that will highlight the benefits of each search method and give tips on how to search efficiently.
This presentation should be about 10 minutes long and contain data from your individual searches.  Every member should have a speaking part in the presentation.

To contact us:

Phone: 555-555-5555
Fax: 555-555-5555

Text Box: Process