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A Day in the Life...

Monday, 9/8/03

New layout up [can ya tell I cant wait till Fall? Its my fav. time of year]. Anyway, my first vector and I'm real happy how it turned out. Sunday the 7th was me and Dave's 18th wedding anniversary! We went out to dinner and had a really nice time. Today is my little boy's first day of nursery school [he's only 4] and I'm worried about leaving him for the first time because he has real separation anxiety. Its funny after three girls who were all excited about going off to nursery school with no problems, my baby boy doesnt want me to leave him there [sniff sniff]. I'm gonna be so worried about him, cant wait to pick him up afterwards. Anyway thats about all the excitement you can take I think, right?

Until next time...TTYL! <3

AOL Instant Message E*Mail

Friday, 9/5/03

T.G.I.F.!!! What a gorgeous day it was today...finally! Its been nothing but raining for days and we're supposed to have a really nice weekend to boot [for once]. Anyway guess what? I have two, count 'em, TWO layouts completed and I cant decide which one to put up next. I know its crazy, I just put this one up. But I did a really pretty fall one and I did my first vector which turned out totally awesome, I am just so pleased with the way it turned out. Anyway I'll probably put the vector up first since it is my first one that turned out good. I had almost given up on vectors but practice makes perfect! I'll probably put the fall one up in October sometime.

Anyhoo, onto the FRIDAY FIVE:

1. What housekeeping chore(s) do you hate doing the most?
Cleaning the bathrooms!!! Ewwwww!!

2. Are there any that you like or don't mind doing?
Nope, hate 'em all... :D

3. Do you have a routine throughout the week or just clean as it's needed?
I wish I was more organized, but nope, I just do it as needed [if I feel like it lol]

4. Do you have any odd cleaning/housekeeping quirks or rules?
Yes, I absolutely HATE dog hair on the floors, it grosses me out, so I vacuum like every other day...even though I HATE vacuuming!

5. What was the last thing you cleaned?
I vacuumed the entire downstairs where the dog hangs...what else?

Until next time...TTYL! <3

AOL Instant Message E*Mail

Monday, 8/25/03

Look what Artist Greggy made for me! Go by and check out his spot, you wont be disappointed! He's such a sweetiepie! Thank you so much for the fan sign Greg <3.

First day of school...Y.A.Y.!!!! This day completely flew by me I cant believe it's almost over already. Got alot of things done though.

Until next time...TTYL! <3

AOL Instant Message E*Mail

Friday, 8/22/03


Friday Five:

1. When was the last time you laughed?
This morning, my daughter Kristen was playing the AOL IM animal sounds [cats, dogs and birds] and my cat, Tom, was going nuts looking into the computer speakers for the cat, lol. My dog, Mitzi, was barking along with the dogs barking and my little kitty, Daisy, was hiding in a corner with her fur standing straight up and her tail as fat as her lol. Needless to say, me and Kristen had a good laugh to start off our day hehe.

2. Who was the last person you had an argument with?
My daughters Sarah and Kristen. We were in Target getting school stuff and they always have to pick out the most expensive things, but I made them get the more reasonably priced items, it wasn't an easy task, believe me. [I must admit they do take after me in that respect] but that's beside the point ...

3. Who was the last person you emailed?
Chele [] ... she's such a sweetiepie!

4. When was the last time you bathed?
Last week. Just kidding, yesterday. I'm about to hop in the shower to get clean for today also!

5. What was the last thing you ate?
A *Shortie* turkey hoagie from WaWa last night after my daughter's intermediate school orientation. We missed dinner because we had to rush to her school after I had my hair done yesterday.

Until next time...TTYL! <3

AOL Instant Message E*Mail

Wednesday, 8/20/03

New layout! Marilyn Monroe died the year I was born and I saw a recent tribute to her on Larry King, so that inspired me to do this layout dedicated to the blonde bombshell herself. Nothing new going on lately just getting ready to start school [the kids] and have three orientations to attend coming up [Catherine, Kristen, and little Dave]. The girls are driving me nuts with wanting to buy all kinds of stuff for their lockers...for example; locker mirror, shelves, pencil holders, magnetic clock, etc. etc. etc. I cant believe the stuff they sell for lockers... I asked them if they wanted to buy furniture and wallpaper for them next! It sure seems like they are gonna be living in their lockers if you ask me. Well thats about all thats going on in my life right now [except for something which I cant tell you, lol] I know, that was mean.

Until next time...TTYL! <3

AOL Instant Message E*Mail

Friday, 8/15/03


Friday Five:

1. How much time do you spend online each day?
Lately not even one hour, just go on to check my email and tagboard once in a while.

2. What is your browser homepage set to?
Dont get this one? I'm stupid I guess.

3. Do you use any instant messaging programs? If so, which one(s)?

4. Where was your first webpage located?
AOL Hometown [Easy Designer] lol

5. How long have you had your current website?
Since November of 2002

Until next time...TTYL! <3

AOL Instant Message E*Mail

Friday, 8/8/03

***STILL SAD OVER THE LOSS OF MY CAT SMOKEY*** I feel so guilty for putting my little old cat Smokey out the night he got hit by that car. I should have been keeping him inside because of his age and his frailty. I dont think I will ever forgive myself. My husband burried him yesterday after work and we all stood around him as he laid Smokey to rest alongside his brother, Barney, who died about 4 years ago. On a happier note, I took the kids school shopping yesterday and hit so many sales. Got alot accomplished in one day for sure. That got all of our minds off of Smokey for a while. Just need to get everyone's haircut some time between now and school. Now onto the FRIDAY FIVE...

1. What's the last place you traveled to, outside your own home state/country?
Boca Raton, Florida

2. What's the most bizarre/unusual thing that's ever happened to you while traveling?
While sitting at poolside at the Boca Raton [hotel] some guy that recognized my husband [whom I did not know] came up to me and started to rub my feet!!!!

3. If you could take off to anywhere, money and time being no object, where would you go?
Probably somewhere in the United States, like the Gulf Coast, where there is clear blue water and white sandy beaches like Boca Raton, because I'm afraid to fly overseas with everything going on in the world.

4. Do you prefer traveling by plane, train or car?
Car because I am just so afraid to fly, always have been, not to mention I get plane sick.

5. What's the next place on your list to visit?
Really dont have any plans as of yet.

Until next time...TTYL! <3

AOL Instant Message E*Mail

Wednesday, 8/6/03

***CRYING MY EYES OUT*** My poor little old man, *Smokey* was hit by a car last night or maybe this morning. He was my 18 year old cat, I've had him since he was 8 weeks old. We called him *Chicken Little* because every time we had chicken for dinner he would come a runnin' thinkin' he was invited to dinner and go nuts for little tidbits of chicken we would give him. He has been through three moves with our family. I must say he had a very long, healthy, happy, pampered life. But I cant help but feel guilty that it is my fault because I had been putting him out every single night right before I went up to bed because he recently started urinating in my son's room because he was waking up disoriented at night because he was going senile, and so I like had no other alternative. And now this happens to him. We all were awoken last night by a really bad thunder and lightening storm with heavy downpours around 3:00 a.m. and I was calling him and calling him in, Tom, my other cat came in, but no Smokey. I even left the garage door open for Smokey. Then my husband came up to our room crying this morning telling me he found Smokey in the middle of the street in front of our house when he went to take out the garbage. I cant believe somebody hit him, it had to be one of my neighbors. Anyway, today me and the kids spent the day together reminiscing about Smokey and crying together and looking at his pictures. Last night Smokey snuck on the counter after dinner and was eating the leftovers of chicken from my kids' dinner plates and when I saw him doing that I just let him pretending I didnt see him on the counter. I'm glad I did. It was *Chicken Little's* last supper. Until next time...TTYL! <3

AOL Instant Message E*Mail

Friday, 8/1/03


1. What time do you wake up on weekday mornings?
I usually wake up between 7:00 and 8:00 to feed and water my three cats and one dog, then empty the dishwasher, then put on a pot of coffee for myself, and finally I sit down and drink it in PEACE while my family sleeps in at least until 9:00.

2. Do you sleep in on the weekends? How late?
Not really I wake up automatically the same time every day at around 7:00 to 8:00. But if I'm up really late on Friday or Saturday night sometimes I will sleep in until 9:00. But I hate doing that because everyone else in the house is also up and I cant have my coffee in PEACE lol. [four kids]

3. Aside from waking up, what is the first thing you do in the morning?
Go feed the cats and dog because they will bug the heck out of me until I do, I cant even go to the bathroom before that because they will follow me in or meow or scratch at the bathroom door and that is not what I call going to the bathroom in PEACE if you know what I mean.

4. How long does it take to get ready for your day?
It takes me about 45 minutes total to get ready, which includes shower, makeup and hair and getting dressed. Sometimes longer if I do a facial.

5. When possible, what is your favorite place to go for breakfast?
We used to go to different places around where I live [diners and such] but there arent any good ones anymore, besides I prefer going out to dinner any day. But I always treat my kids to McDonald's for breakfast and man can I wolf down some Mcky-D's hotcakes really quick, they are just the best!

TGIF! Had to change my song to Busta/Mariah because the other one wasnt working. Here's some trivia... what is Carmen Electra's real name? Tara Patrick. I actually like her real name better. Anyway not much going on just thinking about what to do for dinner tonight hopefully go out so I dont have to cook! Have a wonderful weekend! Until next time...TTYL! <3

AOL Instant Message E*Mail

Thursday, 7/31/03

YAY! I'm all settled in my new domain [I think]. You like? I'm happy lol. It took me so freaking long to hook this one up for some reason. Everything was going against me...everything that could possibly go wrong DID GO WRONG!! Talk about frustrating. Anyway, I'd like to forget that nightmare. The song playing is *Fire and Rain* by *James Taylor* of course, a real classic. Oh by the way, please change your links from my old domain [] to this one, [duh]. Onto better things, we went to see *Pirates of the Carribean* last night [took the kids] and it was just OK I thought. Everyone else seems to be raving about it but it was just *OK*. Well I'm seeing double now and I'm so tired, so until next time...TTYL! <3

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