

The Cars
Most Wanted

Gaming Reviews
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Updates|News            Friday, 12.06.02

I have now become an official "YesAsia" Associate. What does this mean you ask? I getta put advertisement on my site o_O. If you ever want to buy some... products at yesasia. For crying out loud! Help a brotha out, click the link and get it there. Since I won't have to update the top 5 lists, I guess it'll be automatically updated for me XD. Which means you can come here to see what's goin on in whatever advertisement I put up at any time, even if I haven't updated yet! It is now time to start with the actual contents of the site like the celebrities profiles and what not... I will be bored out of my wits but... I will do it! I WILL DO IT!

Updates|News            Thursday, 10.21.02

Worked hard today! I finished the index pages for the "ASIAN" pages like the Korean, Japanese ect. Whatever. LoL, it's not much, but I was distracted! Be proud, I never work this hard Lmao. I put a Song of the Week up! People, atleast try it =| Took me a while to Upload you know? The first one may take a while to get away cause, I'll need more people to get here.

Updates|News            Wednesday , 10.20.02

Construction on the site continues. I plannedo n putting the advertisement on for layout reasons first before I start on the rest, but they have to check for "Broken Links" which almost all of them are at the moment. I'll be workin on it a lot not hammerin' to Eminem - Lose Yourself.

Updates|News            Tuesday, 10.19.02

More parts of the site have been added such as the links and other stuff for the layout. I'll have a current image every week, so far it's BoA =D. If anyone can help with the site, I'll really need some. I'm not too good with wallpaper and buddy icons so, if anyone would like to contribute, I'll appreciate it.

Well, I'm planning to get some products on the site from If you click on the link from my site, I get something! Just remember that o_o...

Updates|News            Monday , 10.18.02

Hey there, update to the site. I'll try my hardest to envolve many things to this site. Instead of making multiple sites representing different things and wasting my time updating and trying to remember several URL's and passwords, I will put everything together and shit.

Now, exactly what would I put on this site? Well, If I can figure out how, I'll put some Counter-Strike stuff up in here if I can ever figure out how. Oh, can't forget them Asian Girls ya know? Giant gallery would be very nice; and the cars. Now... isn't that what all guys love? and Video Games XD!

Idea, well, this idea was originally thought of after going to cause that is one TIGHT ass site XD. If your a fan of asian entertainment, you'll know why. Plus, the man has got like a Gigantium Hyolee Section. I was awwed and what not Lmao. He even has pictures of Hyolee in her room... as a child... how does he get stuff like that eh?


Impression of 8-Mile
Just Titeness
Awww, s'alright
o_o...WTF happen?

Current Results

Song of the Week
O-Town - These are the Days

Weekly MP3 files are only weekly, so download them if you can. (Though this first one may stay here for a while until I get more people here).

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