I was lucky enough to catch half of the last PYPS convention, which was held at Camp Douglas (yay!) (which I will have a rant on later...) during the May Long weekend. I caught the first ferry Sunday Morning from Horseshoe Bay and I was one of the last ones to leave on Monday. On the way back, I ended up waiting for 3 ferries before I could actually get on one. For those of you who are farmiliar with the coast, when I started in the line up (around 3ish), the  lot at Langdale (AKA LangHOLE) was full, the overflow lot was full, there was a line the whole way up the hill, and I ended up getting in the line approximately where North Road meets Reed Road!!!!!!!


A very full lodge at Camp. We had about 115 at this retreat. Here, you can see Mary and Ren leading a breakfast activity.

The group divided into two different pictures

Possum and Bryan in the van waiting for the ferry (*note* for those familiar with the coast, this was taken beside the car lot at the top of the hill)


Looking down the hill at the ferry line up....



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