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We used a camera and took 20 pictures then developed them in the dark room. then we developed the film in the darkroom and placing the film in a light proof canister. Then we added developer and agitated the canister every 30 seconds for 7 minutes. Then we added the fixer and agitated the canisted once per min for 5 minutes then drained the fixer out and rinsed the canister with water. Then we enlarged the negatives in the darkroom using an enlarger and an easel. By placing the photographic paper in the easel we then timed the enlarger to 1 seconds to create the right tone. Then we took the paper over to the developer and placed it in until it got dark then in water to rinse off the developer then into fixer to remove any left over crystals. We repeated that process for every negative then layed them out on the dryer. The pictures were then scanned and placed on our websites!