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to my website. You may be asking your self, "Why the heck am I here!?" Well, there could be a number of reasons for that...

  1. You could be a friend of mine
  2. You could be really bored
  3. You maybe wondering, who is this guy? And wanted to find out more
  4. For some reason, the internet got boring, so you thought you would check out this site
  5. Something caught your attention about this site
  6. I have brainwashed you, and got you to spend your time here

are likely reasons, but you're probably just bored with nothing better to do. Just take your time, tell your friends, and try to enjoy my site!

website was designed all by myself. All of the cheesiness is mine, but I can explain that. For the most part of the time that I spend working on this project, I'm half asleep at 2 or 3 in the morning. I'm tellin you, sleep does strange things to the mind.

whole purpose of my website if to have something to look at. It's not really the greatest thing in history, or the most interesting, but obviously sence you're reading this right now, there's some reason why you're here.

plan on posting pictures of things that go on around here and other things that people might be interested in. I'll also have myself on here, cause well, I'm sure you want to know who I am!

Last Updated: July 06, 2003
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Copyright© 2003 Jay Hirata