As long as a game or race is not finished.. there's no determining who will be the winner of the race or the game.. just like in the Aeroplane or Ludo game.... if u throw 3 sixes... u start from scratch.. but if ur opponent is unable to throw the exact no. on the dice to enter the finish .. he will just keep trying and trying.. until so u can catch up with him.. the moral is that even if we fail... we can start all over and try again... failure is the road to success... if u never felt failure... you will be arrogant..... so if u fail.. its never too late to start all over and achieve your main goal again... its never too late... as long as the race has not ended... for example.. in a show that i watched... i think its greenhope.... there's this guy.. who was a very famous interior designer...... he designed most of the hotels and shopping centers in south east asia and he is paid alot.. but one day, he lost his job.. i don't know why.. and now he has to start all over again... when he started all over... he got his first client... it was a old run down public house in hongkong with only 1 room.... just as the famous designer was looking around the flat.. the landlord came.. and scolded him for not locking the gate... and then scolded him harshly saying that he looked for the designer because it was cheap and he is a top notch designer.. the landlord demanded the best out of him but still gave him attidude.... then he left.. the friend of the designer overheard this... and went to talk to him... but the designer was quiet for awhile and was deep in thoughts... then she said that maybe it would be better if she did the designing ....... then he said these few lines that really meant alot to me..... "A small blow like that wouldn't bring me down... I SHALL AND WILL MAKE THIS THE BEST PUBLIC HOUSING FLAT IN HONGKONG ....." Instead of being sad and miserable, he overcomed his disappointment and made it into a challenge.. these words touched me and i think i should have written it down.. oh well... his name was jiahui in the show.... haha.. Well if anyone ever reads what i write, hope they would be touched in a way or so too. -ron-