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Social and Technological Change
Italian Doctor Says Cloned Baby Due in January
    Controversial Italian fertility doctor Severino Antinori said on Tuesday a woman pregnant with a cloned embryo was due to give birth in January, but declined to give any details about her.
Antinori would not reveal the location or nationality of the woman, but said ultra-sound scans showed the fetus currently weighed 2.5 to 2.7 kg (5.5 to 5.9 pounds) and was "absolutely healthy."
Many in the scientific community have challenged Antinori's statements in the past that women have been pregnant with cloned babies. He produced no evidence at the news conference.
Face transplants not just science fiction
    New microsurgical devices and better anti-rejection drugs have made possible the transplanting of skin, muscle and bone from a dead person to another -- in particular, those who suffer facial deformities.
This week, the British Association of Plastic Surgeons will debate the pioneering proposals, which could give new skin, bone, nose, chin, lips and ears from deceased donors to patients disfigured by accidents, burns or cancer.
But the main roadblock to the procedure may be the ethical questions surrounding the issue.