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Welcome! If your visiting this page you probably want to know a little about me. Well I am 22 at the moment. I moved to Long Beach to go back to school after working at a Christian Camp for the summer at an awesome place called Forest Home. I started school that year because I wasn't sure what I wanted to do up to that point and had to have the right kind of motivation to get started and it took a good three years after high school for me to do that. I went back a second year to the camp I grew up going to to work this time as a leader and had a blast. I have spent a few years in youth ministry, unfortunately this year I don't have the means to do so. I am working as a delivery driver and still hacking away at the books and soon hopefully more so in the computer category. I have always loved art and spent many hours looking up pictures in an attempt to overload my mind with images full of color. After looking into it some more, my major kind of threw itself at me and I can honestly say I'm pleased. I plan on majoring in graphic design. I am looking at transfering to one of the many Cal States. I spend a lot of time planning for my future, just to make sure that my goals are attainable. Besides all the future plans, I would say I keep busy making sure that I am finacially stable. On a more personal level, I am a dog person. I have a mutt (part Chow and Golden Retriever) and named Mojo. Every once in a while he takes me for a walk... and I mean he takes me. I do worry about how the government will deal with its current economic problems and hope and pray it doesn't involve cutting down any more orchards or forestry. I guess you could call me a hippy if that's the qualifier. I think as far as our economy goes, we could solve our education funding problems by putting a tax on cigarettes and alcohol and applying it where we do need it most. Anyways, I am a huge fan of films by Tim Burton(mainly those with Johnny Depp involved). I collect movies as a hobby. My collection includes 80's hits like Gleamin' the Cube and Monster Squad. When I get a chance I go to a few concerts here and there and out of all of the ones I attended, Dave Mathews would be the best performer. I've gone cliff diving and hopefully, I'll get to go bungee jumping and skydiving. Hopefully, I'll be adding some more to this when I get a chance. I hope you enjoy this site and feel free to e-mail me if you want to know more.






