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Granada is the second city we stayed in in Spain it is located high in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. We took the train from Seville to Granada and for almost the whole trip the train is climbing up and up, through high almost desert, extremely dry and dusty. About the only things you'd see would be olive orchards for mile after mile, but it was an interesting trip none the less. Granada is very different from Seville the pace there seemed to be four or five times faster than in Seville and the noise level was up about 30 decibels as well. One of the things we notice everywhere we went was that everybody has motor scooters and it seemed to be a status symbol to have the loudest one possible (at least that was our impression). I found a link to a virtual tour of the city so I'll put that here, you can take the tour and then come back here and see my pictures of many of the same things you'll see on the tour. Granada Virtual Tour
Clicking on the "Tour" will open a new page with the tour, close the page when you're done and you'll be back here.