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As with Kelly, when Adam was eight years old we told him that he wasn't going to sit around the house all summer playing video games. We let him choose the activity and he reluctantly chose baseball. Again I started out as an assistant coach, but after his first two years I became the manager and head coach.

Adam had the opportunity to experience the whole range of emotions related to little league baseball, in that his first years team finished dead last. He was lucky though that his coach was a good coach and more concerned that the kids had fun and that everyone played as oppossed winning at any cost. The rest of his years his teams finished in 1st place, so he also had a good start on a trophy case.

These pictures are not thumbnails and are more for my personal photo albumn than anything else. I make them available for others to see just like opening my wallet and showing my pictures to you that way. Click on the "RETURN" button to go back to Adam's Galleries.