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Oh my gosh!  RAP was so fun yesterday!  Olga wasn't there today, so everyone was happy.  We didn't listen to Asster.  We ran around on the stage, played with Drama stuff, slid outside, screamed.... It was soo fun.  It was a minimum day so we were there for a while.  From 12:30 to six.  Lol.  It was so much fun.  My body aches all over today.  Chris wasn't there.  His birthday is on Monday.  We don't have school.  Veteran's day.  I wish I could see him again.  He kissed me a few days ago.  I just turned around he kissed me.  I'm not sure if I like him I don't know if I do, or if I don't.  How do you tell, anyway?

Well, I put up the first layout.  There isn't a lot to do here.  I will get some more stuff up like links and I don't know, but I'll get more up so maybe I can get hosted.


  since 10.20.02
