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~*~ E N I D - S T A R B A B Y ~*~

Bonjour! My name is Enid. I have this website so my friends and family can check in on me and see how big and strong I'm growing and read about what I'm doing...

The current mood of at


SO much has happened over the last month. I crawl all over the place now and I'm really fast! I can also pull myself in the crib and walk when someone holds my hands. I had a fun first Halloween, and saw lots of neat costumes. Grandma bought me a bib that says "Baby's first halloween" and some Jack-O-Lantern slippers, and Mommy got me a red hat that has little devil horns on the top heehee. My first Thanksgiving was fun, too. I got to taste lots of new stuff, like mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, marshmallow, and turkey with gravy! I had a full tummy by the time I went to bed. I'm now looking forward to my very first Christmas, and I'm really excited, because I just know I'm going to be showered with toys!

There are lots of new pictures uploaded! Go take a look!


I CRAWLED!!! That's right, I did it! Yayy! I can go about four paces when I'm really determined now. Everybody is so proud of me!

I have a new trick, too... I can blow raspberries! I especially like to do that right after I get a big bite of food! Heehee.


My two top teeth seem to be coming in! It's been kinda uncomforatable, and I've been grumpy.

I got to try Barley cereal a couple days ago. Pretty good! I like it a lot with apples and cherries. Mommy & Grandma took me shopping last week and bought me two new pairs of pants (red loungers and purple courderoys), two new pairs of shoes (white mary-janes and AWESOME black lace-up's with white bowling-shoe stitching), and a super cute brown courderoy dress with pink flowers embroidered on it.

I should be crawling any day now! I get my knees up under me all the time and rock back and forth on them a lot, and I can manage to lunge forward a bit. I'm trying really hard!.

Daddy taught me a new game! He drapes a burp cloth over my face and when I pull it off everybody yells "Peek-a-Boo!". It makes me giggle.


I almost crawled last night! I was playing on a big blanket on the floor with Mommy, Grandma and Grandpa, and Mommy layed me on my tummy with toys in front of me, just out of reach. I usually just kick my legs really fast because I get overexcited and then I get frustrated. Grandma says I'm going to be just like Mommy there! Heehee :D Then I managed to pull my legs underneath me and I lunged forward and made it to my toys! Yay! I'll keep practicing!


Yesterday I turned six months old! Mommy & Grandma took me to see Dr. Baker and I got my shots. It hurt and I cried, but as soon as Mommy picked me up I was okay. It doesn't seem to bother me as much this time. I didn't get grumpy all last night or today!

Mommy & Daddy are getting excited because very soon we will be moving out of Grandma & Grandpa's house and into a place of our own! We have lots of stuff now and only need a few more things! State dividends come out on October the 9th and we'll be looking for a place to live as soon as we get them. That means I get my own room!! Yay!


I had a quiet day today. Grandma thinks my top teeth are coming in! I HAVE been grumpier than usual these last couple days, so maybe... We're going to see Dr. Baker tomorrow hopefully, if we have time. As long as we go this week. I need my six month shots!


Daddy went back to work today. He had a cold so he stayed home Monday & Tuesday, and I didn't even get to play with him because he didn't want to give me germs! But that's ok, because by Tuesday night he was feeling much better and we played for a long time and he gave me my bottle, too! Next week I have to go see Dr. Baker to get more yucky shots.


Today is my day to be with my Daddy!! We spend the whole day playing and having fun while Mommy takes a break to do whatever she wants. Daddy gives me all my bottles and my cereal (today was peaches, but I always hope for banana!), he gives me a bath, and we cuddle and watch Daddy's cartoons (I think he calls It's fun!


Today we took some home video's. We'll be doing a little every few days or so until we have enough footage to fill a whole VHS tape to keep as a momento. I'm growing so fast and doing so many new things right now that it's easy to miss how much I've changed in the last few weeks!

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