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Hi! I'm Michelle, this is my website. I really don't quite know what my content here will be, but it's nice to just have a website. So, click on the links, and hopefully oneday you will come back here and you will be amazed...hopefully...

Make sure you check out all the great fanlistings! I'm totally obsessed with joining them! If you want to look for other fanlistings, check out this site!

Not a lot going on here, is there. Well, if you are at all interested, I am working on an entire layout. Thats right, I said entire. I don't quite know what that means...but when it happens you will be in awe! Or maybe you'll just go "aww.." Either way!! Stay Tuned!

my so called life | online journal

fanlistings | cliques

cheesebandits | all hail the cheese

my old highschool | saint johns college

flinders uni | the college years

a world of flux | my blog

book me | my guestbook