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Welcome to the homepage of Dogmatic Law!

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Great news!! New member of Dogmatic Law - Music3K

Dogmatic Law consists of DJ Loki and Music3K

2 New songs completed, more on the way!


Thanks for taking this opportunity to stop by and check out the newest version of the Dogmatic Law homepage. Please remember that this site will constantly be updated ever so often, as I try to find, the best and easiest software to use in my spare time (If I had more time I would write this in straight notepad, but I am very busy.) But, I think I hit the nail on the head with Frontpage, so this way it's easier for me to get you the information you need, as soon as it happens, keep all of you up-to-date on current songs and current happenings. So far the only real news is that Dogmatic Law's first CD has been finished. All the songs are on it, and it's been completed, the only problem is that it's not being published or distributed, so the best way to get a copy is to get ahold of me. Prices will range from $7-$10 depending on where you want the CD shipped, and includes price of CD, printer ink, and manual labor. The name of this CD is "Cracking the Eye" it contains 10 tracks, all of which should be available on, so check'em out. I am currently working on CD #2 which doesn't have a name yet, but has 4 songs finished already and Lord-willing should be out with-in a month. I will keep you'ins posted on any new current events, be sure to keep me posted with feedback, I've noticed that I'm not getting alot back, but we're up to over a 100 hits now, so there should be some feed back coming in from somewhere. So, give us some feedback about the songs, the webpage, or just stuff you feel like you should get off your chest. Thanks, -Loki




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