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(Previously at) Hopwood Hall, Middleton, Manchester, England

Click on these words for more pages. Home page | General info | History | Memories/messagesNews | Miscellaneous 
St John Baptiste | Reunion  | Photos/Images | Announcements | Links | Credits |  Pigeon-holes |Hopwood Hall College new site

Site started on: Wednesday 12 December 2001.   This page was last edited on: Thursday 22 July 2004.


  • To the site about the closed De La Salle College of Higher Education which was based at Hopwood Hall, Middleton, Manchester in the North West of England.  This web site is intended to bring back memories of past staff, students and the college buildings.
  • The former Catholic teacher training college is now maintained by Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council.  The buildings are now used as a further education college called Hopwood Hall College (Middleton campus).
  • If you are a former member of staff or student then please contribute to developing this De La Salle site by e-mailing me with any comments and ideas for further pages.  Send in your memories of your time at the college and they will be uploaded to the web site as soon as possible.
  • Do you have any digital images especially photographs of the college or any text or links to other web sites that might be of interest to visitors of this site?  If so send them via e-mail.
  • Meanwhile click on the words beneath the college name above and browse through some of the other web pages to help bring back some memories.
  • Photos from 50 years ago of the students and staff were placed on the site in April 2003. Click on Photos/Images and More Photos.
  • This is not an easy web address to remember so maybe bookmark the site.
  • The site was created as part of a project on a web-design course. The site is designed and maintained by an ex-student of De La Salle.  I do not have any direct connections with the De La Salle Brothers.  See the address on the credits page if you wish to contact one of the Brothers directly or click on the appropriate web address given on the links page.
The e-mail address for sending your comments, memories etc to the site manager is:
