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DAN DAy 2004, fAst ApproAchs.

i thought id do some sprucing, seeing as i keep posting the address everywhere. the pic of dan is from the promotional one man crowd photos. they are very cool. ill do my best to keep working, but i have loads of projects/papers/and the like going on. poke around the site.
catch ya later! the prez, kim

ill fix up the site soon.

well i never dealt with DAN DAY on the site but it did happen in may. it all went well. he got a bag of goodies in homeroom. but for the stuff pertaining to now:
dan leave for school this week. =o( but im sure he'll have a great time. oh how time has flown by and we r all grown up! well i gots to get back to organizing.. i leave the 28th. everyone: good luck with school. until laters,
the prez, kim <3

so like howdy and happy new year! i just wanted to send some congrats Dan's way on him being a daddy! he's the proud father of a batch of seamonkeys. they were "born" feb 21st. um thats all for now. much love and tata
the prez, kim
ps dan day is still on this year!

check out whAt ive beeN up to oN February 19 AND check out your lAtest DAN News.

the site hAs beeN upDAteD oN tuesDAy mArch 30th, AND i wAs DoiNg some stuff so look ArouND.

fiND out ANy importANt ANNouNcemeNts 2-19-04 here!

AtteNtioN All DAN fANs:
if you Are iNteresteD iN becomiNg A member of the DAN fAN club officiAlly, pleAse emAil me AND let me kNow, theN i will put you oN the mAiliNg list AND officAl members pAge. thANks! -kim

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