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The CrossRoads Webquest is an interdisciplinary unit meeting national standards in the areas of reading, writing, civics, and behavioral studies:
           Reading            Writing              Civics    Behavioral Studies
1. Uses the general skills and strategies of the reading process
2. Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of literary texts
3. Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of informational texts
1. Uses the general skills and strategies of the writing process
2. Uses the stylistic and rhetorical aspects of writing
3. Uses grammatical and mechanical conventions in written compositions
4. Gathers and uses information for research purposes
1. Understands the importance of Americans sharing and supporting certain values, beliefs, and principles of American constitutional democracy
2. Understands the role of diversity in American life and the importance of shared values, political beliefs, and civic beliefs in an increasingly diverse American society
3. Understands the character of American political and social conflict and factors that tend to prevent or lower its intensity
4. Understands issues concerning the disparities between ideals and reality in American political and social life

5. Understands what is meant by "the public agenda," how it is set, and how it is influenced by public opinion and the media

6. Understands issues regarding personal, political, and economic rights
7. Understands issues regarding the proper scope and limits of rights and the relationships among personal, political, and economic rights
8. Understands how certain character traits enhance citizens' ability to fulfill
personal and civic responsibilities

1. Understands that group and cultural influences contribute to human development, identity, and behavior
2. Understands various meanings of social group, general implications of group membership, and different ways that groups function
3. Understands that interactions among learning, inheritance, and physical development affect human behavior
4. Understands conflict, cooperation, and interdependence among individuals, groups, and institutions
    The CrossRoads Webquest was created with the high school student in mind, but the value of the content can be applied in other settings. Teachers wishing to use this webquest in the middle school can probably do so with little if any alterations. Lower middle grades can also benefit from the information here, but the teacher should be a guide through the webquest and avoid material that may be inappropriate for younger children.

    Classes will need access to a computer lab; ideally, each student would have their own computer, but students can work in pairs. Students will also needs a place to keep reflective writing, preferably a dedicated notebook/journal.

    Final evaluation for the webquest is left to each teacher's discretion. Some suggestions which are aligned with the standards given above include,
    -reflective journal, personal in nature and reserved for thoughts and reactions
    -a research assignment based on questions that students generate during the unit
    -the creation of a school proclamation of tolerance. Proclamation could then be       submitted to the school board for approval

    -consensus building class project to create a school symbol celebrating diversity and tolerance

Levels of Learning:Levels of Learning