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    The sexual orientation portion of the Web Quest has six writing assignments; each is in red text. To be graded, all of the writing assignments must be completed. Incomplete projects will not be considered at all.

    As you read the assignments, you will notice that some ask you to reflect, while others ask for more formal writing, such as a letter or a comparison contrast. Also, please notice that there is usually more than one issue to address in each of the writing prompts. To receive full credit, you must address each item in the prompt.

    Prompt    Beginning  
an honest reflection of your personal feelings about homosexuality and homosexuals. Dig deeper and try to discover what in your life has helped you form this perception.  a  response that seems to lack consideration and/or sincerity. Also,  examples of what you believe contributes to your perception may lack depth. a thoughtful response that shows  consideration and sincerity. Also, included will be an example of what you believe contributes to your perception. a thoughtful response that shows consideration and sincerity. Also, included will be examples of what you believe contributes to your perception. a thoughtful response that shows outstanding consideration and sincerity. Also, included will be several examples of what you believe contributes to your perception.
In your journal, write about the readings. Include comments on what you already knew, what you learned, and what surprised you most. Also be sure to include legitimate questions that you had while reading.  a thoughtful and honest response but one that addresses only two of the four requirements cited in the question. Questions will be well thought out and genuine. a thoughtful and honest response but one that addresses only three of the  four requirements cited in the question. Questions will be well thought out and genuine. a thoughtful and honest response and one that addresses all four of the requirements cited in the question. Questions may lack a genuineness and seem to only satisfy the requirements. a thoughtful and honest response and one that addresses all four of the requirements cited in the question. Questions will be well thought out and genuine.
What does Milgram's experiment have to do with this insensitive act? 
Write about a time when you were insensitive to another person. Was this a person you knew well or not at all? What are the implications of our relationships and proximity to the people whom we mistreat? 
response to all three of the four questions. Writing has a semblance of order and structure. Writing is free from significant grammatical and punctuation errors that obscure the meaning. The implications cited  relate to the original reading sufficiently. response to all four questions. Writing has a semblance of order and structure. Writing is free from significant grammatical and punctuation errors that obscure the meaning. The implications cited  relate to the original reading sufficiently. response to all four questions. Writing has a semblance of order and structure. Writing is free from significant grammatical and punctuation errors that obscure the meaning. The implications cited are well thought out relate to the original reading significantly. Outstanding writing in response to all four questions. Writing has a semblance of order and structure. Writing is free from grammatical and punctuation errors that obscure the meaning. The implications cited are well thought out relate to the original reading significantly.
Compare and Contrast the information that you have studied. There are an infinite number of ways to do this, and the following are only suggestions. You are encouraged to develop a direction of your own. 
    -Compare and contrast your perception of God and religion to that of the Westboro Baptist Church. 
    -Compare your initial journal reaction about your perceptions of homosexuals and homosexuality 
        to what you feel now. 
    -Discuss irony and paradox as it relates to what you have studied. 
    -Write a letter to Fred Phelps stating your position on the subject. 
writing takes the form of a comparison/contrast or letter but has grammatical and punctuation errors that obscure meaning. Writing  addresses one of the suggested topics but lacks the depth desired.  The writing does not appear to be formal in its tone or structure. writing takes the form of a comparison/contrast or letter and is free from significant grammatical and punctuation errors that obscure meaning. Writing  addresses one of the suggested topics. The writing has a formal tone and an appropriate form and structure. writing takes the form of a comparison/contrast or letter and is free from grammatical and punctuation errors that obscure meaning. Writing  addresses one of the suggested topics. The writing has a formal tone and an appropriate form and structure. writing takes the form of a comparison/contrast or letter and is free from grammatical and punctuation errors that obscure meaning. Writing may address one of the suggested topics, but the student also entered into topics/areas which are self selected. The writing has a formal tone and an appropriate form and structure.
In what ways does intolerance of homosexuals manifest itself in your school? 
List three ways in which tolerance can be fostered in your school community.
Two suggestions are made but no rationale for these suggestions is given. Also, the student  provides only one example of how intolerance manifests itself. Three suggestions are  made but no rationale for these suggestions is given. Also, the student  provides only one example of how intolerance manifests itself. Three suggestions are made but no rationale for these suggestions is given. Also, the student  provides only one example of how intolerance manifests itself. Three suggestions are  made along with a rationale for these suggestions. Also, the student will provide more than one example of how intolerance manifests itself.


Of his initial paper, Hamer said, "Rarely before have so many reacted so loudly to so little." Why do you think the suggestion of a "gay gene" would cause so many people to react? What would be the implications if it were ever proven that such a gene exists?  Only one of the questions is addressed but it does show an understanding of the reading. The writing is clear and demonstrates a  consideration to the question. Both questions are addressed  and show an understanding of the reading. The writing is clear and demonstrates a consideration to both questions. Both questions are addressed  and show an understanding of the reading. The writing is clear and demonstrates a deliberate and thoughtful consideration to both questions. Both questions are addressed in depth and show an understanding of the reading. The writing is clear and demonstrates a deliberate and thoughtful consideration to both questions.