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The bigspin is a variation of the backside 360 shuvit. Get that trick down before trying to bigspin. It will also help if you know how to backside 180.

While rolling the skateboarder jumps and turn his/her body 180 degrees backside while the board spins 360 degrees backside.

1. Push a few times to get going.

2. Place your back foot flat across the tail and your front behind the front truck bolts.

3. Bend your knees and pop the tail as you pull your back foot towards you to get the board spinning. As you're spinning the board, turn backside 180 with your body. If done right, you'll spin in the same direction as your board.

4. After your board has spun 360 and you have spun 180, it's time to land. At first, you'll probably be landing at about 270 degrees instead of 360. Just try and slide it around, but don't settle for that. Try popping it higher and getting all the way around.

Additional Help:

Problem: The board spins away from me when I pop it.
Reason: Control. You need to control the beast.
Solution: Stay over the board. You should wind up for this trick and slowly spin backside 180 while guiding the board through the 360.

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