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TheGr8Cobra's & PHOENIXinfernoS Site

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Hi, welcome to our pages...I am Alan aka TheGr8Cobra & my freind is Johnathan aka PHOENIXinfernoS...We reside in NW Ohio (Defiance) and were a cpl couple for 7 years :(...Please take an opportunity to visit Johnathan's works of art at this link PHOENIXinfernoS Drawings...he is very talented & I am very PROUD of his work and skills...also please sign our guest book as it means alot to us...THANKS!!!

A little more about me I am 46, 5' 10", 175, br, br, Johnathan is 27, 6' 2", 175, blonde, blue, not that it matters but most people ask ASL first thing hehe...I was born in Barre, VT, have two wonderful children a boy aged 26 and a daughter that is 19 & will be featured the year in 2005's Whos who in high School for being in the top 5% of the country and now in college pursuing her art ed degree at Wright State...She is alos very talented and gifted as she has been a straight A student since beginning school...I have 2 sisters, one in Barre VT still, and one in my home of Defiance, Ohio...I also have 2 brothers one in Kendallville, IN and one here in Defiance...

I was married for 13 years and thru the whole thing thought I was a closet Bi but in 1993 I came out fully GAY and OMG did I lol...No I am not a flamer but can be at the clubs if I am having fun with friends...

I served 6 years in the US Army and am a highly decorated combat disabled veteran earning the Expert Riflemans badge, Expert Hand grenade badge, 3 Army Achievement medals, the Army's Driving Badge, and the National Defense Service Medal for my participation in Desert Storm...I am not bragging just really PROUD of my accomplishments as well...

Johnathan & I did meet online in the GayOhio chat room on TALK CITY he has and will always be nothing less than a dream come true to me, and we did enjoy video games, computers, walks, movies, romantic dinners, traveling, and I of course love dancing and clubbing hehe...

I now run a business out of my home, I do web design, pic scanning, online sales, webmaster for a top ranked multi award winning PRIDE site that is FREE check it out here Bi Hot Fun I also run a GLBT personal's meeting group on yahoo @ Bi Hot Fun Personal's and AOL @ Bi Hot Fun's GLBT Ohio ...Johnathan and I met online and you can also at the links above...If you want to know anything else or want to get to know us better either email me at the link below or instant message me at TheGr8Cobra2004 at yahoo or at TheGr8Cobra2 at AOL (((HUGS))) to all our friends and people that visit here and come back often for updates and new pics..Now PLEASE sign our guestbook below...

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This single red rose & poem is a tribute to my BELOVED family & freinds, Rose (Mom) I cannot begin to say how much she means to me, Claude (Dad), Charlene (Sister), Ricky (Brother), & Jerry (Brother),and a very dear freind (((FIRECROTCH))) Kathy, that were all taken to a better place but way to early in their lives...REST IN PEACE...I love & miss you all...

I Have a Place in Heaven

Please don't sing sad songs for me,
Forget your grief and fears,
For I am in a perfect place
Away from pain and tears.

It's far away from hunger
And hurt and want and pride,
I have a place in Heaven
With the Master at my side.

My life on earth was very good,
As earthly life can go,
But Paradise is so much more
Than anyone can know.

My heart is filled with happiness
And sweet rejoicing, too.
To walk with God is perfect peace,
A joy forever new.

"Dont discriminate my sexuality and values and I wont yours...Sexuality discrimination is a HATE crime...I wont tolerate it..."Click the photo below to learn more...

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Click to watch Joe Dance-LMFAOROTF :~)

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Cobra's $$$ making site-Earn while online!
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