Text of the WWI/Twenties Review Game

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Name two factors that led to WWI.
Alliances, military build up, tension in the Balkans
What group of countries did the U.S. fight with?
the Allies (GB, France, Russia)
What group formed their opposition?
Central Powers (Germany & A-H)
What was the purpose of the Selective Service Act?
help raise troops or the AEF
What weapon did the Germans use to attack allied ships and the British blockade?
What two factors led to trench warfare?
old tactics combined with new weapons
Name two new weapons that were used extensively in trench warfare.
machine gun, poison gas, flamethrower
Name two other new weapons used for the first time in WWI
submarine, tank, airplane
Name the two events that helped pull the U.S. into the WWI.
Lusitania & Zimmerman Telegram
What was Wilson’s stated reason for entering WWI?
“Make the world safe for democracy.”
What law prevented “disloyal utterances”?
Sedition Act
How did the Supreme Court rule on the Espionage and Sedition acts?
they were constitutional - exceptional measures in war time
Name 2 kinds of people who might have been opposed to WWI?
immigrants (esp. German & Irish), socialists, pacifists
Name 2 gov’t agencies designed to make efficient use of our resources during WWI.
WIB, WLB, Food Administration
What monetary instrument did the U.S. gov’t use to raise funds for WWI?
the Liberty Bond
Why was it only a matter of time before the U.S. was drawn into WWI?
we had become an imperial power, we were shipping war materials to Europe
What organization was responsible for producing U.S. propaganda during WWI?
Committee on Public Information (CPI)
What event allowed Germany to launch an all-out final offensive on the Western Front in 1918?
the Russian Revolution
What was Wilson’s Plan for Peace called?  Which part of it was most important to him?
14 Points, League of Nations
Name two key conditions of the Treaty of Versailles.
Germany responsible for WWI, pay big reparations, League of Nations
Name 2 kinds of people who might have opposed U.S. involvement in WWI.
pacifists, socialists, German immigrants, Irish immigrants
What cause led to Wilson’s demise at the end of his presidency?
Pushing for the U.S. to join the League of Nations
What is a “red”?  Why were they feared in the 1920’s?
someone with communist sympathies, connection with Russian Revolution
Whose trial was a clear example of anti-immigrant sentiment?  Who took up the cause of their innocence?
Sacco & Vanzetti, many celebrities and intellectuals
What group worked to oppress everybody who was not a White Protestant?  Why did this group grow in the 1920’s?
KKK, tension in cities between poor whites and blacks and immigrants
What Attorney General started the “Red Scare”?
Mitchell Palmer
What legal organization was formed in response to the Palmer Raids? Name a leading member of this organization.
ACLU, Clarence Darrow
List three characteristics of life in rural America in the 1920s.
cultural homogeneity, religious fundamentalism, farming, traditional values, country music & ice cream socials
Identify three characteristics of urban America in the 1920’s.
cultural diversity, new immigrants, religious diversity, speakeasies & jazz, manufacturing
What encouraged consumption of all kinds of new goods in the twenties?
new marketing techniques
Why were so many Americans in a hurry to get rich quick in the 1920’s?  What two areas did they invest in to accomplish this?
new American dream defined by possessions, stock market and real estate
List two new electronic conveniences of the ‘20s.
vacuum cleaner, washing machine, radio, refrigerator, toaster
How did the automobile change American life?
demand for roads, faster transportation, closed distances, greater contact
Why were Republican Presidents like Harding and Coolidge so popular in the 1920’s?
isolationist and pro-business
Identify 2 ways Harding’s tenure was scandalous.
womanizer, seized alcohol at poker parties, embezzlement by cabinet members, Tea Pot Dome
Who took over after Harding died & cleaned up after the scandals?
Describe Coolidge’s business philosophy.
hands off, pro-ownership
What was the charge in the Scopes’ Monkey Trial?  What did the trial represent?
teaching evolution, clash between rural and urban values
Why was there a surplus in farm products?
overproduction from WWI
What amendment made alcohol illegal?  How successful was it in reducing consumption of alcohol?
18th, not very
Who took over distribution of alcohol during prohibition?
organized crime
Identify two things that helped “liberate” America in the ‘20s.
Jazz, Radio, Movies, Literature of the Lost Generation, Automobiles
Name two ways women established new independent attitudes in the 20s.
Bobbing Hair, wearing shorter skirts, moving out on their own, voting
What amendment gave women the right to vote?  Did the votes of women significantly change the American political scene?
19th, no
Name 2 big athletes of the Twenties.
Babe Ruth, Red Grange, Bill Tilden, Jack Dempsey, Gertrude Elderle, Bobby Jones
Name two famous entertainers of the ‘20s.
Chaplin, Gillespie, Clara Bo, Valentino, Jolson, Robeson, Mills
Name two types of jobs commonly held by lower class women.
factory, lower clerical, janitorial
What was the Harlem Renaissance?
the flourishing growth of the arts in Harlem in the 1920’s
Name 2 authors that were part of the Harlem Renaissance.
Langston Hughes, Countee Cullen, Claude McKay
Name two writers that were part of the “Lost Generation”.  Why were they lost?
F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, Sinclair Lewis, H.L. Mencken; disillusioned by destruction of WWI