American Literature and U.S. History
   at Thousand Oaks High School

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This yearlong course on the history of our nation from colonial times to the present is designed to familiarize you with the society in which you live.  Daily assignments, lecture outlines, possible essay questions and other helpful review activities can be found in the Unit Pages that will be linked on the right as we go through the year together.
Units/Themes of Study
War/Primal Conflict
Conformity and Rebellion
Integrity and Character
Mass Media
Yearlong Review Lecture
Yearlong Review Lecture Text

General Links and Information

 Team Outline (Draft)

e-mail Mrs. Beaudoin

e-mail Mr. Swanson
Class Grades:

English: Second     Third

History: Second    Third

Hypertext American History
An amazing compilation of articles, essays, and primary sources that span 500 years of United States History.

America: Pathways to the Present
This is the website designed by your publisher to support your History textbook.  It contains many helpful review activities and additional research resources.

Online Exhibit Hall at the National Archives
An remarkable collection of  documents, art work, and photographs from our nation's history.
All kinds of historical information from the light hearted to the serious.

The library associations list of book for teens.  Includes categories such as "books for people who hate to read" - Use this site to help you understand your novel, but be careful not to cut and paste and call it an essay or term paper.

Ask Miss Grammar - a site to help answer questions you have about writing structure and style

Their motto says it all - "This is where history lives on the web!"  A great site for research or just as a place to check out articles on topics of personal interest.

Recent events have drawn attention to the constant need to help those in difficult situations.  Here are some of my favorite places to go and help: 
Hunger: The Hungersite, Bread for the World   Donate Blood: Red Cross
Disaster Relief: CARE