History M07A - Spring Semester 2007
Moorpark College
Krister Swanson

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The Course Textbook is The American Promise, A Compact History: Volume I (3rd Edition) by Roark, Johnson, Cohen et al
Click here for the official book website


Final Review Materials:
Review Game PPT
Text of the Review Game

Midterm Review Materials:
Review Game PPT
Text of the Review Game

Essay Topics (Choose 2 - these need to be in 5 paragraph format):

Please remember that you need a scantron and a blue book for the midterm!


Lecture Outlines:

Colonial Regions Develop (1/17/07)
Colonial Expansion: 1700-1770 (1/24/07)
Colonies Clash with the Empire (1/31/07)
Revolutionary War (2/14/07)
Building a Republic (2/21/07)
Washington and Adams (3/14/07)
Jefferson Through Adams (3/21/07)
The Age of Jackson and Manifest Destiny
Dissension Over Slavery Leads to War
Civil War Overview
Reconstruction Overview

Other class handouts and information will be available here as the semester continues

Guidelines for Writing the Research Paper

Good online starting points for primary source documents:

American Memory from the Libraray of Congress & National Archives  This is simply the largest collection of American history related documents on the web.

Internet Modern History Sourcebook  Lots of documents - some of the links are dead but it's a great listing to get you started thinking of topics.

The Avalon Project at Yale  Great starting point for any topic relating to constitutional or legal history.

Making of America Project at Cornell University  A great collection of documents related to American life prior to Reconstruction.

Please remember that a primary source document can be an eyewitness account, journal entry, legal document, contract, letter, newspaper article, political cartoon, and so forth.  The most helpful thing to do once you've found your topic is to run searches that are set up like these:
"women suffrage cartoon"
"john brown editorial"
"american revolution pamphlet"
"civil war soldier diary"

PowerPoint Presentation Schedule:





Mayra Zuniga

Great Awakening


Kristen Webb

Stamp & Sugar Acts


Laura Sanchez

Role of Women in the Early Republic


Bryant Clayton

Trail of Tears


Katie Laakso

Seneca Falls & the Early Women’s Movement



Mayra Meza





Alicia Leon

Mexican American War


Greg Yazryan

John Brown


Andrew Seinfeld

Significant Historical Characters