Entrepreneurship Project

Due the day of the Final

(6th Period: June 3,  1st Period: June 4, 2nd Period: June 5)

In this project your group will create an idea for an original good or service.  You will then create a comprehensive business plan, which you will pitch to prospective investors (your classmates - who each have $10m to invest as they see fit).  The winning project will be the one that garners the most support from the investors.

Required Components of Business Plan (this will help you with your presentation)

  1. Description of production process (how will your good/service be made?)
  2. List of required capital and resources
  3. Demand survey and schedule
  4. Full cost and revenue analysis (MC, FC, AFC, AVC, ATC, MR, TR, etc.)
  5. Marketing and pricing strategy (including packaging, etc.)

Presentation Breakdown:

  • An original idea for a good (product) or service. (1 slide)
  • Who is your target population (age, income, location, etc.)? Why do they need your service or product? (1 slide)
  • What is your marketing strategy? Describe pricing and advertising strategy. (1-2 slides)
    • Includes 30 second video ad (TV or web based)
    • How will you create a brand identity?
    • Why will your pricing strategy be effective?
  • What resources and capital will you use in making your product.  What specific items will be needed to make your product or service? (raw materials, other parts, factories, skilled workers, unskilled workers, etc.) (2-3 slides)
  • Financial breakdown of producing your product (1 slide) You should be able to tell us the per unit cost of producing your product, and therefore the marginal profit
  • Final Pitch: What are your company goals?  Why should an investor join your cause? How will you make a profit?  (1 slide)  Check out MIT’s YouPitch for more ideas on this
  • The target time for your entire presentation is 7-8 minutes, you can help assure this by using the rehearsal mode in PPT to rehearse your presentation and figure out how much time to spend on each slide

Specific list of all the things you'll need for production (you need to make sure you have considered all of these things, and that they show up in your PPT):

  • Real estate: office space/warehouse space/factory space/store(s)
  • Employees (types, skill levels, position descriptions, qualifications - you also need a rough idea as to how much you're going to pay these folks)
  • Raw materials, parts, ingredients, etc.
  • Methods of production (machinery, procedures, etc.)
  • Utilities & Services (cleaning, linens, data storage, shredding, etc.)
  • Packaging
  • Transportation needs (incoming and outgoing)
  • Overall company budget