[ Titles Held | N/A ]
[ Next Match | Fatal Four Way Television Championship ]
[ Title | "Digging Deep Down Inside" ]

|--"Digging Deep Down Inside"--|
I sat here, confused. The past few days had been hell for me, I had been going through shit such as watching my own mother in the hospital .. which I still think my dad did. I haven't said anything though, because I'm scared that my father may be put away, and I know he'd never do anything like that to me. Or atleast I hope he wouldn't.

I just wish sometimes that they'd get a divorce, and I could see both of them. When they are together, they do nothing but fight.. and it makes my visits horrible. It sometimes makes me want to never go back, but it's just something I have to do. I can't just cut all ties to my family, that wouldn't be right, now would it?

I am currently standing in a public park with none other than DeMetri Evgeni. We are walking down a nature trail, enjoying one another's company, and enjoying the peace, before we go to war this Sunday.

Evgeni : "Heh, the clock's ticking."

Wolfgang Kaiser : "To when I will finally gain the Television Title. Yeah, it's going to be a night to remember, that's for sure."

Evgeni : "We can only pray that you pull this off.. we can't afford a loss Wolfgang. Your career must sky rocket, not disentigrate. You must strike fear into the XHWF talent roster."

Wolfgang Kaiser : "You need not worry DeMetri. This one is in the bag. Let's face it, we have a wannabe gangster, a wigger, and a guy who is on a HUGE losing streak. These three men do not strike fear in me at all, heh, they are nothing more than jokes in my mind."

Evgeni : "Need I remind you one of those jokes beat both you and Animal?"

Wolfgang Kaiser : "Come on DeMetri.. that was with Drake, and it was a tag match. This is every man for himself, I don't have to work with anyone. I can go out, and win it for myself."

Evgeni : "That's what I like to hear. Don't help others, you are who you need to help. No one else matters, remember that."

Wolfgang Kaiser : "That I will."

Evgeni : "It's time you prove yourself to the XHWF.. and this is your chance."

Wolfgang Kaiser : "And I shall shine."

Evgeni : "Well I'm departing Wolfgang, I must go back to my family, god knows what the children have done to the house this time. I will see you this Sunday, or sooner. Farewell."

Wolfgang : "Goodbye DeMetri. Be safe."

Evgeni leaves the scene, as Wolfgang stands in the center of the camera. He cracks his neck from one side to the other, and cracks his knuckles. He jogs in place for a minute, throws a few left and right jabs, and begins to speak.

Wolfgang Kaiser : "You know it's funny how such a beautiful day, can be ruined just because of the fact that I am going to have to get through three men to get what I want. I am so used to being given what I want so much, that this is actually work for me. I don't like to work, and I am going to make damn sure that I stomp the living hell out of all three of you men, for making me work. I am sick and tired of being underestimated by critics, and the fellow XHWF superstars. I am going to put that crap to an end this coming Sunday, when I shut all three of you peices of shit up."

Wolfgang smirks, and pauses for a moment. He looks around his surroundings, and turns his attention back on the camera.

Wolfgang Kaiser : "Nathan Slade, let me start with you, do you think you're some hot shot? Eh? You think you are tough shit because you can talk in slang? That's real cute, but it's not going to help you in your match up against me. Nathan, you're a joke. Even "The Fierce" Animal serves as more of a threat than you do. I mean take a look at yourself once in a while, you're a nobody. You're a nothing. And I shall prove this, this coming Sunday, when I drop you like a sack of potatoes. Don't worry Nathan, I will make the ending of your career this sunday, long, continuous, and painful."

Wolfgang Kaiser : "Now onto none other than, Jason Daniels. Have you lost enough kid? Damn, I thought maybe you would have gotten the point by now, but jesus christ, have you not realized that you don't belong here? You've been given chance after chance to prove yourself to the XHWF, and you've failed each and every time. I didn't know it was possible to suck as much as you do, but now I know it IS. You know you've really been pathetic these past couple of weeks Daniels, you'll be lucky to even survive in this match. After all those beatings you've taken, I don't think it's even possible to make you look any WORSE. That's just about how horrible you are."

Wolfgang Kaiser : "You are like the Brooklyn Brawler of the XHWF Daniels.. and as you know.. the Brooklyn Brawler was pathetic. He was a total jobber, hell, he might have been worse than you. It'd actually be a good match. But I have a feeling he'd whoop your ass.. hahah. All over the arena too, haha. You're pathetic Daniels, need I remind you? I mean, losing about 4 consecutive times is not too impressive if you ask me. YOU yourself are not too impressive, and it's about time you step up to the plate with the big boys, its time you get yet another, reality check."

Wolfgang Kaiser : "Now onto the TV Champion, The Fierce Animal. You're a joke bro. If it wouldn't have been for you, I would have beaten both Drake Vandenhart, and of course Nathan Slade. But damn, you just had to screw the whole match up didn't you? You screwed up everything, and for that, I can never forgive you. I had that match under control, but you cost us a win. For that, I LOATHE you. And I will NEVER, forgive you. You are the Television Champion as we speak, but for how long? I cannot say.. but I can change that. And I will Sunday. You Animal, are... S O L ! And you know what that means.."

Fade to black.

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