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My Family
My Girlfriend
My Friends
Stuff I'm into

Me and some people I know!
I am Christopher White and this is my web site - it includes loads of stuff about me, things I do and people I know.
You can find out who the hell I am by clicking here.
You can also meet my family, my girlfriend and my friends - just click on the links just below.
If not fully happy with this Christopher White you can go and find another one - here

My Family
Come on in and meet my folks!
My Girlfriend
She's called Rheanne...ain't she cute

My Friends
People I know from here, there, etc

Other Stuff
some pages about things I get up to (Stuff I'm into) and some links to other things of interest to me or even just vaguely associated with me
- this is starting to sound a little self-centred isn't it - oh well - it is my website!

Stuff I'm into
Skiing, Scuba, Drinking and more.
links: footy,friends websites etc

Photos of me, friends, places i've been etc