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Multi Genre of Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett: Master of the Market

General Information about me:

On April 6, 1984, in St. Mary's Hospital of Grand Rapids, Michigan, God himself had given the world a very special gift. Jonathan was born to parents ____ and ___.
Since his birth he has lived in the same house, with his mother, father, and one older sister. He has touched many lives and put a smile on many faces. This short biography will barely scratch his surface, his spirit runs too deep and his mind is too intricate to describe in so few words.
To me, Jon is a puzzle, one with a million pieces. This puzzle has been broken apart, but when it is put together, the most beautiful picture is created. When I first received the puzzle box, I put two pieces together, very carefully. I was bewildered by its complexity, and proceeded hesitantly, but I had to try to put it together, a piece at a time. When the first two pieces joined, I was speechless with amazement. When the two pieces joined with a third, I adored it. When the third joined with the fourth, I fell in love.
Jon is intelligent, affectionate, sensitive, emotional, and breath-taking. He's addicting, you always want more of his smile and vibrant personality. Jon is the person you find after you have given up looking, and concluded that there isn't anyone on earth like him. He's the best surprise.
Jon is an exceptionally talented writer, he can grasp feelings and converse intellectually without one bit of effort, it all comes naturally to him. He has a rough shell on the outside, that can be interpreted as over-confidence, but past that thin layer, you'll find one of the most pleasing sights. He surrounds himself with a false aura of arrogance, but once you are really able to connect with him, all that exists is meaning, a wondrous person, a true friend, and an absolute miracle. Inside he's nothing but dreams and hopes and aspirations to constantly be something better than he already is.
He's a dream that you feel compelled to touch just because you're not sure it is reality. He's the best dream I've ever dreamt, and even better, he's real. Jon sets himself a step above the rest, he is the better person, he is the extra mile. He has a gift, he has many. His most special gift is that he can leave an imprint on your life, one that stays forever. He's a dreamer. He's a romantic. He makes you want to talk for hours. He never stops giving. He makes you feel welcome, wanted, and warm.

Warren Buffett: Master of the Market
-by Jonathan | Links
(descriptions) | Haiku | Extended Metaphor | Short Story | Tabloid Article | Interview | Persuasive Essay | Critique | Why I Wrote What I Did

To contact us:

Warren Buffet Admirer
Forest Hills Northern
Grand Rapids, Michigan
