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Bought and Sold by the Blind

A Resource Site for the Blind and Visually Impaired! Find Where To Buy, Sell and Trade the Things You Want or No Longer Need!

Khadija Evans - Site Owner

To visit the Bought and Sold By the Blind Yahoo! e-Group, and even post a FREE ad to buy sell, or trade items, please click

Visit the Yahoo! e-Group Bought and Sold by the Blind, and post a free ad to buy, sell, or trade an item!

As blind people most of us know that when we want to sell something that only a blind person has a use for, people aren't usually lined up at our doors with fists full of money clamoring to buy it! Sometimes it can take months for us to sell something, which can cause a delay in our buying a newer model, or doing what ever it is we want to do with the money.

Also, most of us aren't exactly "rolling in the dough!" When we decide we have a need for something, many of us can't afford to pay the high prices that manufacturers want to charge! And being able to find something in good condition at a price that is affordable to us can also take months-if we are ever able to find it!

It's my hope that this web site will help blind people who want to buy, sell or trade things, to do just that and to do it in a very timely manner!

Advertise for FREE in Magazines for the Blind!

Post FREE Classified Ads On Line

List Your Items At Auction Sites!

Post Ads For FREE At e-Groups & e-Mail Lists!

FREE Bibles, Qurans, Torahs and Other Religious Literature!

Cool Blind Links!

This site will forever be a work in progress! It was last updated on Septmeber 30, 2003. Please email me with your suggestions, comments, and any information you have about other ways, or web sites, groups, auctions, or magazines that will let people advertise for free!

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