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Blue Village

Blue Village

Date:July 17th, 2003
Time: 11:07 pm
Eating: Nothing
Drinking: Well I WAS drinking milk!!
Wearing: White Shorts and Black Tank Top :)
Listeng To: The Jay Leno show! I have it on TV but I am not watching! Just listening to the jokes :-D!
Thinking: That I need to make the parents turn on the air!!
Wishing I Was: Not HOT!!
Worried About: Ummm everything!!
Feeling: The current mood of at

Hey eveyone, look around the site and enjoy it and if you have anything you think that I need to add how bout you tell me :-D!! You all can email me! If You wanna be a sister with me or link exchange or whatever just send it to me!! Ohh yea dont forget to sign the bookie :)!!!