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Picture this:
The United States had just gotten out of World War II. Not a year later, Winston Churchill proclaims that an "iron curtain," of sorts, had been falling around Europe. This threat was communism, the idea that everyone had the same say under one superior leader.

One of the main leaders in Russia at this time was Josef Stalin, the Iron Horse himself. When the communist party recieved a scant 17% of the Hungarian vote, he eliminated the opposition, establishing communism as the superior political party. Historically, he is seen as one of the fathers of communism, next to Karl Marx, who wrote "The Communist Manifesto," a book explaining the life and times of a communist. Though the book was aged, Communism showed no time scars, and was as powerul as ever under the same form Marx wrote.

Truman was eerie of Communism. A Washington Senator, Joseph McCarthy, was scared out of his mind and launched his own "McCarthyism," which was the greatest stereotype of the political era. Though it was stopped, the seed had been planted. The USA and Russia, in the early 1950's, engaged in a serious conflict of ideas and ideals related to the struggle between democracy and communism. This was dubbed "The Cold War," even though it did not involve mass bombings or killings. My hope is that, through this site, you, my history teacher, and even other visitors, will learn something from this site that you hadn't known about.

Included on this site:

  • A timeline of 15 pivotal events
  • My own views on these issues

    Hopefully this work gets genuinely good commentary, as a lot of blood, sweat, tears, and caffeine were poured into this beastly machine.

    Hope you have a nice day.

    E-mail the awful author.