Love Song To The Moon--The Story

A coming of age story told through live action video, songs, and spoken verse.
Our story begins when Lilly's life begins and she sets out on her own.
She meets Baby James, a run away (her equal) who's in a band. They fall in love and get married but James goes on tour and she finds out he's cheating. She decides not to say anything and continues on her life while he's gone.
She meets Mickey at a birthday party. It's love at first sight and she decides to write a letter to James which ends their marriage.
But things with Mickey turn sour. The longer she stays with him the more she finds out how vain he is and she fights with him about it. But she stays with him and apologizes. One thing keeps nagging at her though when she asks him how he really feels about her the question gets no answer and she gets angry and abandons him.
She meets John. She is attracted by his darkness and the way he seems to have an enormous amount of life experience even though he is so much younger than her. John takes her to a party where she encounters James. Inwardly she realizes she still loves him and all the pain turns to rage suddenly.
She goes to Mickey's house and takes it out on him as if he was the one who caused James to cheat.
She leaves Mickey and goes to drink herself to sleep in a park.
She awakes to Moon sitting beside her. He is there to cheer her up with all sorts of magic tricks and funny things. It works and she realizes he was what she had been waiting for all the time. And they live happily ever after.

Extra Bits

The entire story is shot digitally and told through still pictures, songs sung by the characters and spoken verse rather than the traditional method of scriptwriting/acting to draw the audience in.

Actors Needed