Love Song To The Moon--Singers Needed

***All information contained on this page is subject to change at any time.***

Only the singers for Lilly, James, and Moon will be paid.
Audition Times/Dates: Aug 1-NOV 30 2003. MON-WED 11:00am-8:00pm
Audition Location: Meeting Room @ the Benjamin Branch Library. 1530 Benjamin Parkway, Greensboro, NC.
Recording Times/Dates/Location: TBA
Audition Procedure (everyone must read).

Ten singers male and female any age 11 and over to sing for the parts of Lilly, James, Mickey, JOhn, Moon, and various back-up singers/noisemakers for the various party/concert scenes.

Lilly must have a range from alto to soprano 2 and be able to sing in different tonal characters (ex. to go from rage to love/sweetness in the same song without losing composure).

Moon must have some knowledge of rythmic speaking as his part is really more of a spoken verse than a song. Must have a loose conversational quality to his voice.

Mickey must be a Mick Jagger/rock n roll type singer but not an absolute sound-alike (no pressure).

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Musicians Needed