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Shows I Like

These are the shows that I like, and that I want to see ever so badly. They all come coupled with an explanation of why I liked it, or why I want to see it.

Neon Genesis Evangelion: Very well done, dispite the fact that the script writer and head animator went insane halfay through the show. I liked it very much. I enjoy the whole unhappy ending thing, and this just did it for me. Everyone dies (cept Shinji and Asuka). Can you name something that cool?

Ruin Explorers: Brilliant!! WAYYYYYY ahead of its time. It may only be four episodes long, but let me tell you, those four episodes kick ass. Ihrie's funny, and so is Rasha. Its like Slayers, times ten in comedy. The ending was sort of happy too. It could have standed to be longer, mainly because I'm resentful that a show THAT good only gets 4 episodes. Ah well.

Revolutionary Girl Utena: YES!!! A show about bisexual tendencies. Let me tell you, if the world were all bi, it would be a much happier place. Plus the idea of some tom boy girl running around trying to be a prince is kind of funny. She really is a revolutionary girl though. She's pretty, athletic, and she's funny. But her tag-along friend is quite annoying. Plus Miki is hot, and I luv his piano song.

Magic Knights Rayearth: At first this show REALLY annoyed me and I couldn't believe I bought it. But...I'd only had the first tape. Then I got the second one. It got better. Then I got the third. So very very good, and so on, it just kept getting better. Umi is my favorite character from this show.

Martian Successor Nadesico: This show is serious at some points...then very funny at others. It sticks the big giant robot manned be people genre to new heights. Not really. I don't think they eve get to destroy Tokyo Tower in this one. Oh Well."So the cat is alive."

Weiss Kruez: 4 hot bishounen assaissins.Who could ask for more? My personnal favorite would have to be Aya, seconded by Ken. My least favorite is Yoji. Too tall, and too much of a player. Plus...who fights with dental floss?"Taketori!!"

Oh My Goddess: It's so....cute...and idealistic. It makes you walk away from it wanting more in life. Like a goddess showing up on your front door ready to marry you....and grant wishes....and cook...and all that other cutsy stuff. It's a nice show, that's all that needs to be said. KILL SKULD!!!